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06/13/15 5:19pm
On Wednesday, Kenneth Kapikian and Dennis Gagliardi pled guilty in Pennsylvania federal court to defrauding Penn of more than $3 million.
06/13/15 4:49pm
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone between May 22 and June 4. 
05/21/15 11:55am
A Princeton University study found that identifying as Asian on a college application translates to the same disadvantage as scoring 50 points lower on the SAT.
05/14/15 6:17pm
A “strong-arm” robbery prompted a UPenn Alert on Thursday afternoon.
04/30/15 1:10am

Crime Log: April 16 - April 22

See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone between April 16 and April 22.
04/29/15 10:13pm
Somewhere around a third of underage people in the city of Philadelphia are carrying around a fake ID, according to an article on Billy Penn.
04/28/15 1:28am
Seven cases involving the use of excessive force and violation of civil rights have been filed against the Penn Police force since 2012.
04/27/15 9:08pm
After an alleged hate crime during Fling involving death threats and racial slurs, several students have opened an investigation with Special Services at the Division of Public Safety.
04/25/15 5:05pm
The suspects allegedly robbed a 7-11 on 42nd and Walnut Streets.
04/23/15 9:41pm
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone between April 9 and April 16.
04/23/15 2:17am
In August 2013, four teenagers — Jose Quiroz, Blake Layman, Anthony Sharp and Levi Sparks were charged with the felony murder of their friend, Danzele Johnson who died at the hands of a third party.
04/22/15 2:29am
This Spring Fling, the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement officers checked issued only two citations for underage drinking — down from 35 during last year’s Fling.
04/22/15 12:10am
In late March dash cam footage showing a police officer shooting an unarmed black man in the back sparked national outrage.
04/22/15 12:05am
Penn Police stopped the suspect at 40th and Market Streets after he tried to rob and assault two victims who reported the incident.
04/21/15 12:59am
Penn Police is currently investigating the thefts.
04/20/15 1:25am
On April 9, Penn and Philadelphia police responded to a robbery alarm at the TD Bank located at 3737 Walnut Street.
04/20/15 12:06am
Students say wristbands had the potential to leave people out, because of their price and limited quantity.
04/17/15 3:29am
See what crimes happened in the Penn Patrol Zone from April 2 to April 9.
04/14/15 11:02pm
Fifty-nine of the suspects who were shot by Philadelphia Police were unarmed, according to the report.
04/13/15 1:35am
The Undergraduate Assembly recently formed a Commission on Alcohol Safety and Communication to increase transparency at this year’s Fling festivities and prevent the types of rumors that abounded last year. But despite clarifying some information about alcohol policy, concerns remain over this year's Fling alcohol-related initiatives.