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Over the past few weeks, the Undergraduate Assembly’s Budget Committee has been working with different student groups and the other branches of student government to allocate over $2,000,000. These funds are used for a wide range of purposes, including Spring Fling, Hey Day, Preceptorials, class giveaways, student group funding, and much more.

In recent memory, the budget allocation process has been somewhat insular. Only student government representatives and a select few members of the Penn community have had a say in where these funds are allocated. This is simply unacceptable. As treasurer, I am determined to improve the process.

The $2,000,000 that the Board of Trustees allocates each year is not the student government’s money — it’s your money. And, as such, you should have a say as to how it is spent. This year, the budget committee has proposed some exciting changes. For example, we created a new school wide event, Skimmer Fest, and we significantly increased funding for the Student Activities Council so your student groups can have more money. But are these your priorities?

The UA will be voting on these important questions this Sunday, February 26th at 6pm in Huntsman 250. As treasurer, I want to hear your voice, so that we will allocate the money as you see fit. Feel free to email me, at, or come to the Budget Meeting to express your opinion.

Jake Shuster is a junior in the College, and is the Undergraduate Assembly’s treasurer. His email address is

Editor’s note: Jake Shuster’s email has been changed from to to reflect his accurate address

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