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09/24/17 10:54pm
The accidental breach of privacy is only likely to result in a "slap on the wrist" in terms of legal repercussions, lawyers say. 
09/24/17 10:28pm
It's clear that students are taking classes outside of their home schools, but more than six administrative offices said they had no information on what percentage of students were doing so, or what specific classes they were taking.   
09/24/17 8:23pm
These ancillary costs vary across the Study Abroad programs offered by Penn and can be difficult to predict beforehand. 
09/24/17 10:53am
The shutdown of a registered, philanthropic event held by the sorority Alpha Phi was an error on the part of Penn Police, said the Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush. 
09/23/17 2:47pm
Gutmann thinks Philadelphia's universities would provide "top talent, ideas and creativity" for the tech giant looking for a city to house its next headquarters. 
09/21/17 2:00pm
Any student who visits SHS is met with this question: “In the past two weeks, have you been bothered by any of the following problems: feeling down, depressed, irritable or hopeless?” 
09/20/17 9:54pm
“We understand that there may be a feeling that [the Event Observers] are out shutting out all the parties right now,” said Executive Director of the Office of Student Affairs Katie Bonner. “I would like to dispel that myth." 
09/20/17 4:17pm
United by Blue's expansion marks the latest in a string of changes to the dining scene around Penn. 
09/18/17 1:29am
CAPS has significantly expanded and diversified its resources in the past few years.
09/17/17 9:47pm
Some faculty members were formally notified of the recent death of College senior Nicholas Moya days after it occurred. Others never received a notification from the University.  
09/16/17 12:26pm
Members of the task force concluded that ongoing initiatives have been adequately addressing the issue of mental health on campus. 
09/12/17 6:14pm
On Aug. 31, the same top three University officials emailed about Hurricane Harvey, including many same resources and details.
09/11/17 3:00pm
"The whole purpose of a leave of absence is to put students on a path to success," said Executive Director for Education and Academic Planning Rob Nelson. 
09/11/17 9:00am
A lawyer said Penn's policies surrounding maternity leave may not seem fair, but are definitely legal. 
09/10/17 8:51pm
A lawyer says this mistake might have violated a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student records in all federally funded schools.
09/07/17 5:51pm
Penn was named the 7th best university in the United States, according to Times Higher Education's rankings. Forbes also recently named Penn the nation's 7th best college. 
09/07/17 10:00am
"This shortsighted decision violates our core principles as a University community – indeed, as a nation," Penn administrators wrote. 
09/06/17 10:09pm
“Penn was a leader in higher education, but Bob was a leader in LGBT advocacy."
09/05/17 10:03pm
This isn't the first time Gutmann has made statements in favor of immigrant rights.
09/02/17 7:56pm
"Nick was and always will be a beloved brother of Sigma Alpha Mu," the group said. "In all that he did on Penn's campus, Nick embodied the main tenets of our brotherhood and he will be greatly missed."