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Francesco Salamone | Social status pie: The hierarchy game we all play

(04/28/24 12:21pm)

You and I are playing a subtle game. It congenitally dictates the friends you make, the partner you choose, the major you declare, and the job you apply for. This masked motivation decides both your behaviors and thoughts. It is the secret to understanding human existence. We call it the social status game, and the prize for mastering it is colossal.   

Jack Lakis | This is where Penn doesn’t lead the vote

(04/29/24 7:28pm)

Earlier this month, the Penn student body elected a new slate of its highest leadership: the president and vice president of the Undergraduate Assembly. Voter participation was less than satisfactory with only 1,524 ballots cast out of a pool of over 7,000 eligible voters. Even worse, this appalling turnout actually marks an increase in student engagement from years prior.