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Penn President Amy Gutmann announced she is staying at Penn until 2014 at Friday's University Board of Trustees meeting.

Friday was the second and final day of Trustee meetings, held at the Inn at Penn.

In the stated meeting, officials recapped previous meetings and discussed what to expect in the future.

The Board of Trustees comprises Penn alumni who oversee various aspects of the campus community, including hiring decisions and finances.

About 67 trustees and 26 administrators and other guests were in attendance.

Notes from the meeting include:

n Gutmann's president's report included details about academic, developmental and financial issues, including the over 100 faculty members hired this fall as well as current and upcoming construction projects on campus.

With regard to finances, she spoke of the University's endowment's 20.2 percent growth rate for the fiscal year that ended June 30.

n The Trustees issued their official endorsement of the $3.5 billion capital campaign the University announced this weekend. At the meeting, Gutmann said it will "make the University a model for the 21st century."

n Provost Ron Daniels delivered an academic report in which new faculty appointments were approved.

He noted other campus achievements, including the LGBT Center's 25th anniversary and the launch of a new student-run nursing publication.

n In the Penn Medicine Report, School of Medicine Dean Arthur Rubenstein said four faculty members were elected to the prestigious Institute of Medicine, a record number from Penn.

n Highlights from the subcommittee summaries include Penn's dedication to diversifying the University's applicant pool by encouraging more lower- and lower-middle-income students to apply and further updates on campus construction.

n A memorial resolution in honor of former Penn President Martin Meyerson was passed. Meyerson's wife, Margaret, presented an addition to a statue in the Quadrangle to Penn in honor of her gratitude for the University's recognition of her husband's work.

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