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On Thursday night, members of Penn for Hillary met in Van Pelt library to call potential supporters of the Democratic candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Credit: Weiwei Meng

While many Penn students are getting ready for Thursday bar specials or BYOs, Penn for Hillary is busying making friendly calls to the people of Nevada asking for them to support Clinton in the caucus this Saturday, Feb. 20.

Penn for Hillary is a student organization devoted to building support for Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign at Penn and throughout Philadelphia.

On Thursday night, around five Penn for Hillary members gathered on the third floor of Van Pelt Library to call Nevada voters. 

This semester, Penn for Hillary has helped out with Penn student voter registration and phone banks for the New Hampshire primary. Co-President and College junior Emily Irani said that phone banks are a great way for students to get involved with the campaign and reach out to states that they are not able to physically access. For the members, doing phone banks can also be a rewarding and memorable experience.

“When I talk to fellow Hillary supporters who are passionate and tell us that they are supporting and volunteering for her, that is the best and most rewarding [thing]," Irani said. 

Hillary and Bill Clinton have historically had a strong relationship with the state of Nevada. Bill Clinton won Nevada in both of his presidential elections. After Hillary Clinton’s double-digit defeat in the New Hampshire primary, however, the Nevada caucus emerged as a crucial turning point in an increasingly competitive primary. 

Irani is not worried about the Nevada caucus or the rest of the Democratic primary.

“I always knew that Hillary wasn’t going to win New Hampshire," Irani said. "Bernie had a strong holding in New Hampshire because his home state of Vermont is right next door. Winning Iowa was more of a concern for us because Iowa was more on the fence. She has a lockdown in Nevada and South Carolina.”

Penn for Hillary Executive Director of Political Affairs and Engineering sophomore Michael Ramdatt said that since the race has been competitive but also clean and respectful, Clinton will be able to come out an even more determined fighter for the rest of the election.

The group hopes to do more phone banks and to maintain a strong presence on campus. In the future, Penn for Hillary plans to reach out to Penn for Bernie, Penn Democrats and College Republicans to have a watch party on Super Tuesday, when 12 states and U.S. territories will hold their primaries.

Until the very end, the members of Penn for Hillary, including Co-President and College junior Sam Iacobellis will continue their fight for Clinton.

“I really want to say to my daughters and/or granddaughters that I did everything that I could in my power to elect not only the first woman president but also the foremost champion of women’s rights in the history of American politics," Iacobellis said. 

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