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04/22/20 1:48am
Even though most students have now left Penn's campus, students should still be counted as living in Philadelphia, or where they would have been living on April 1 had the coronavirus not displaced them.
04/17/20 12:17am
Though Biden does not share the alumni status of 1968 Wharton graduate Donald Trump, several members of the Biden family have graduated from Penn’s various schools, and the former vice president served as a Penn presidential professor of practice.
04/16/20 11:43am
Warren taught at Penn Law in the 1980s and 1990s, and Biden served as a Benjamin Franklin Presidential Professor of Practice from 2017 until he launched his campaign in 2019.
04/15/20 11:19pm
Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania to close their physical locations on March 19.
04/15/20 10:42pm
Sanders' endorsement of Biden has drawn the ire of Penn for Bernie, with the group declining to endorse Biden, but Penn Dems and Penn for Biden are optimistic the former vice president will have significant youth support in November.
04/13/20 4:53pm
Penn for Bernie's board members wrote in an emailed statement to The Daily Pennsylvanian that although they "revere" Sanders, they do not agree with his decision and "are not a cult who will follow him in each and every direction."
04/13/20 12:10am
Penn for Bernie's directors sent out a survey form on Friday to over 200 members seeking input about the future of Penn for Bernie.
04/08/20 1:28pm
Biden, a former Penn Presidential Professor of Practice, now has a clear path to the nomination and will face Trump, a 1968 Wharton graduate, in November's general election.
04/02/20 10:36pm
The stay-at-home order began at 8 p.m. on April 1 and will continue until April 30, Governor Tom Wolf announced.
04/02/20 12:57am
While Penn Democrats officially endorsed Biden in late March, Penn for Bernie said their group has no plans to support Biden’s campaign unless he adopts leftist policies that address issues pertinent to younger voters.
03/24/20 12:01am
Amidst COVID-19, political groups like Penn Democrats and Penn Leads the Vote try to keep students politically engaged despite physical limitations and uncertain primary dates. 
03/23/20 11:03pm
All Philadelphia residents are required to remain home unless they are performing essential personal activities.
03/22/20 4:39pm
Penn Dems endorsed Biden Saturday and said the former Penn Presidential Professor of Practice's "diverse coalition of support" will lead him to success in November's election. 
03/11/20 12:13am
Biden spoke at the National Constitution Center due to the cancellation of his rally in Cleveland, Ohio amid the coronavirus outbreak.
03/05/20 7:59pm
Uygur finished in 4th place out of 12 candidates in the special primary election for Katie Hill’s former seat, earning approximately 5% of the vote, The New York Times reported.
03/05/20 11:38am
Before running for president, Warren taught contract and bankruptcy law at Penn Law from 1987 to 1995.
03/04/20 11:52pm
After Super Tuesday, students running Penn for Biden said they anticipated a close race, and despite the setback, Penn for Bernie remains determined to secure their candidate's nomination. 
03/04/20 10:43am
The hour-long event will be broadcasted live on Fox News from the Scranton Cultural Center in Scranton, Pa.
03/03/20 9:59pm
Penn Democrats announced in an official statement that the club will not endorse Michael Bloomberg, criticizing the former New York mayor's stop-and-frisk policies and alleged sexual harassment. 
03/03/20 8:54pm
Braithwaite graduated with a master’s degree in government administration from Penn’s Fels Institute of Government in 1995. He is the current U.S. Ambassador to Norway.