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11/24/13 7:39pm
This Thanksgiving, I say we should be deeply thankful for the sheer ineptitude of the state.
11/24/13 6:46pm
As you may or may not have already heard, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year is “selfie.”
11/21/13 4:55pm
Certain forms of reality TV actually have the potential to affect my reality — and to make it a better one.
11/21/13 3:28pm
Allowing exam regrades is an important part of a fair grading system, but we as students must reevaluate our attitude towards them and be more selective when requesting them.
11/19/13 6:29pm
I think we overspend a lot of our money on food. Yes, a sandwich from Houston Market is convenient, but do we really need to be spending six or seven dollars on an uninspired meal every day?
11/18/13 9:50pm
So in a recent lecture, where class-directed question after class-directed question went unanswered, floating over the turned-down heads of slouching students, I couldn’t help but wonder: What ever happened to cold-calling?
11/17/13 3:35pm
Some classmates and I were eating breakfast before our next classes at a cafe right across the street and therefore had front-row seats, unable to leave the cafe for the duration of the assault.
11/17/13 2:35pm
With Thanksgiving as our ultimate feast of gratitude, here’s a toast to all my professors who have nurtured my inchoate mind.
11/13/13 9:13pm

Arielle Pardes | The contraception problem

The complaints about hormonal birth control pills are extensive: They make women feel moody, bloated, tired, excessively horny, nauseous and so much more.
11/13/13 7:11pm
Robert Frost erred when he said to take the path less traveled — always travel in herds, and don’t look around.
11/12/13 7:50pm
Ford’s supporters seem to forget that this wasn’t a legally ambiguous sex(ting) scandal — it was an elected official breaking the law by abusing a banned substance.
11/12/13 7:09pm
A few days ago, I had a deep conversation with a friend — something that I had been missing for a while.
11/11/13 5:33pm
It’s great to know that the site is working for the massive 1.6 percent of the population that is running Linux.
11/10/13 8:41pm
At Penn, I am continually impressed with the accomplishments of my fellow students but often underwhelmed by their ability to justify why those accomplishments and causes are important.
11/10/13 6:38pm
It seems that, especially on a college campus, reading for pleasure has become a rare activity.
11/06/13 6:44pm
To declare e-cigarettes a silver bullet to smoking simply because it is the lesser of two evils is to blatantly ignore the lessons we have learned from tobacco control.
11/06/13 4:30pm

Arielle Pardes | Stop cyberstalking your ex

Actively engaging, instead of the one-sided cyberstalking that we’re wont to do, can help tame the feelings of insanity, jealousy and powerlessness that come from seeing our exes all over the internet.
11/04/13 10:39pm
Anyone with a beating heart understands that writing these posts is mean, but it might be a whole lot more than mean. Beyond just being a jerk, you could be liable for a big legal headache.
11/04/13 7:46pm
The average American gets a new phone every 22 months. Isn’t that a little crazy?