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12/02/10 7:48am

Korea tensions hit home at Penn

Military tension between North and South Korea — which last week resulted in the first attack on a civilian area since the end of the Korean War — has concerned some students.
12/02/10 7:29am

Slideshow: Hanukkah celebrations around Penn

The eight-day Jewish festival of Hanukkah began last night. See a photo slideshow of Penn students celebrating at Hillel, Hill College House and outside of Van Pelt Library.
12/02/10 4:59am

No major campus events organized for World AIDS day

For the first time in recent years, no prominent events were organized on campus to raise awareness for a disease which affects 33.4 million people worldwide.
12/02/10 4:16am
Although the pending colonization of Zeta Tau Alpha may alter the Panhel environment, Greek leaders believe student interest in Greek life is strong enough to yield healthy pledge classes.
12/01/10 5:27am
The new Panhel president, College junior and Sigma Delta Tau sister Rachel Abeles, met with The Daily Pennsylvanian to discuss her upcoming term.
12/01/10 2:39am
More than 4,000 undergraduates live off campus each year, but not all of them live in the popular area just west of campus.
11/30/10 5:31am
The United Minorities Council and the Latino Coalition hosted Fiery Words: An Evening with Sonia Sanchez, in Claudia Cohen Hall.
11/30/10 4:56am

Thanksgiving homestays offer cultural exchanges

In only its second year, Penn Diplomats organized Thanksgiving homestays to pair exchange and international students with host families.
11/24/10 5:45am
While most Penn students are packing their bags and boarding trains or planes, some are staying on campus for Thanksgiving break.
11/24/10 4:20am
Allies — the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender interest and advocacy group for straight students — is making a comeback at Penn.
11/24/10 4:05am

Two students honored for saving life

Tuesday night, two students took front and center in Claire Fagin Hall to be recognized for saving a man’s life in a Sept. 21 incident on Locust Walk.
11/23/10 5:29am
While many students add internships and summer jobs to their resumes, Engineering sophomore Chris Chike has a unique accolade under his belt — a Guinness World Record.
11/23/10 3:40am

Despite number of resident pledges, Harrison wins Energy Showdown

When it comes to energy reduction, Penn students don't always deliver on their promises. Rodin College House ended last in the Penn Energy Showdown, despite having the most resident pledges to reduce energy use.
11/23/10 1:40am

ZTA to make post-Thanksgiving Penn visit

A team of traveling Zeta Tau Alpha leadership consultants will descend on Penn's campus after break to promote the latest addition to the Panhellenic community and familiarize themselves with Penn's Greek system.
11/22/10 6:11am

From music to travelogs, Penn writers fill the blogosphere

enn’s blogosphere is pretty potent. Student publications, individuals and groups of friends turn to this medium as an outlet for their interests.
11/22/10 4:19am
KidFlicks, which donates movies to hospitals, once helped College freshman Berni Barta garner the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Most recently, it helped get her nominated for L’Oreal’s Woman of Worth award.
11/22/10 4:13am

UA and PSA to launch sign service for student groups

College sophomore and Undergraduate Assembly Communications Director Chris Cruz announced the launch of PennSigns, a new Penn Student Agency that will sell lawn signs to groups for $4 a sign.
11/19/10 5:42am
Comedy Central comedian Eliot Chang joked about stereotypes to a crowd of over 100 people in the ARCH auditorium on Thursday night as part of the Asian Pacific Student Coalition and Sangam’s “Chai House featuring comedian Eliot Chang.”
11/19/10 5:38am
The band Keeping Riley played in Houston Hall Thursday evening in a concert co-sponsored by Student Ambassadors of the World and the Kite and Key Society as part of the Civic House Associates Coalition’s Anti-Poverty Action Week.
11/19/10 5:20am

800 have answered IFC alcohol survey

This week, the Interfraternity Council and the Undergraduate Assembly circulated a survey to undergraduates in order to measure the social habits and drinking practices of students.