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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

09/15/10 3:22am
The School of Engineering and Applied Science is coming off an eventful summer, during which faculty from various fields and levels of seniority received over $60 million in grants.
09/15/10 1:47am

Students frustrated with availability of online syllabi

Since courses are only listed on Blackboard after students enroll in a class, students are finding it difficult to use syllabi to inform their registration.
09/14/10 4:10am
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has created numerous initiatives for the upcoming school year in hopes of appealing to the public beyond its educational role.
09/14/10 1:33am

New book questions Management 100 TA system

Wharton students defend the Management 100 TA system, which has recently come under attack in a new book about Higher Education.
09/13/10 3:42am
Graduate School of Education professor Marybeth Gasman will speak Sept. 13 at the White House Initiative on HBCUs’ National Conference in Washington, D.C.
09/10/10 4:31am

Penn Law and Hong Kong University create exchange program

Penn’s Law School and the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong established a new dual-degree exchange student program — a move which administrators call a testament to Penn’s commitment to internationalism.
09/09/10 1:10am

Wharton professors predict box office potential

Hoping to improve the relationship between these two elements, Wharton professors Jehoshua Eliashberg and Z. John Zhang, along with current New York University professor Sam Hui, have devised a method in which they can, by analyzing a film’s script, predict its box office potential.
09/01/10 9:38pm

Textbooks made more accessible

With an expanding array of outlets for purchasing textbooks, students will encounter more reasonably priced options when buying course materials this semester.
09/01/10 7:55pm
Though the application process is said to be grueling, the University “does pretty well with encouraging kids to apply for Fulbrights and making their applications good enough to be accepted,” Director of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Harriet Joseph said.
06/24/10 1:15am

SEAS and SAS Double Majors allowed

A new measure that will allow College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences students to pursue second majors outside of their schools has been passed by undergraduate education committees and awaits a final faculty vote in the fall.
06/24/10 1:01am

Penn Med students selected for professional ethics fellowship

30 medical and law students nationwide will travel to Europe to study ethics through the lens of the Holocaust.
06/10/10 4:55am

Health communication will go abroad to China

A new program, led by Penn professors, will help a Beijing school understand why some fliers compel students to wash their hands, while others don’t quite persuade students to grab the nearest bottle of hand sanitizer.
06/10/10 4:54am

Summer Enrollment Up

Enrollment in 12-week summer classes is up drastically from last year.
06/10/10 4:50am
Newsweek’s Senior Washington Correspondent, columnist, and NBC and MSNBC analyst Howard Fineman will teach a 3-session mini course at the Kelly Writers House this fall.
05/27/10 4:13am

Penn prof. receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Penn Psychology Professor Martin Seligman’s contributions to the field of psychology were recognized when he received the Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association’s second Lifetime Achievement Award on May 26.
05/27/10 4:00am

de Rothschilds donate $1 million to Penn's World Scholars Program

Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild gave Penn’s World Scholars Program a $1 million gift with the intention of supporting a Penn World Scholar from a British Commonwealth country.
05/14/10 1:08am
Despite pervasive stigmas casting nursing as a female field, Penn’s small number of male nurses has begun to grow.
05/14/10 12:26am
Instead of writing final papers or taking exams, students enrolled in “Architecture 302: Investigating Product Design” were able to make their own semester-culminating projects.
04/28/10 11:01pm

'Three Cups of Tea' author to speak at Nursing commencement

A nurse himself, Greg Mortenson will offer a unique, global perspective on nursing in his speech, which fits with the Nursing School’s educational model.
04/27/10 2:31am

U. expands summer online course options

Undergraduates may choose between 10 online courses this summer, up from four in 2009. All internet-based programs are part of the College of Liberal and Professional Studies curriculum, and each fulfills one of Penn’s general education requirements, including sectors.