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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

08/20/15 2:41am
Don't let back to school break the bank.
08/20/15 2:20am
With all the study spots available on Penn’s campus, it can be overwhelming for students to choose where to hit the books. Here are some of the staple locations on campus.
08/19/15 7:52pm
Trump's classmates remember him as "low-key" and "self-effacing," if at all.
08/11/15 9:50pm
On Monday, US Congressman Chaka Fattah announced that Penn will receive several hundred thousand dollars in grant money to increase support services to students.
07/09/15 3:00am
In the first 100 days since its opening on March 10th, each of Penn’s schools held its own event at the Center, and invited researchers and faculty from institutions around China.
06/25/15 3:53pm
Penn students can now learn about everything from property law to limb anatomy to global business with nothing but a thirst for knowledge and an internet connection.
05/25/15 2:00pm
Classes at Penn are no walk in the park. Here's a list of helpful hacks that can help with everything from Writing Seminar to problem sets.
05/24/15 10:00am
A look at some of the go-to study spaces on and around campus.
05/23/15 10:00am
Kathleen Brown and Sally Gordon are both friends and colleagues.
05/23/15 10:00am
The Daily Pennsylvanian compiled some essential tips on course selection strategies and tools.
05/01/15 9:19pm
Penn Law professor Polk Wagner, who specializes in intellectual property and patent law, spoke out about the implications of her applications for lyric trademarks.
04/29/15 10:46pm
As graduation inches closer for the Class of 2015, some Penn seniors are planning to immediately pursue an advanced degree. But this number is small relative to peer schools.
04/28/15 11:29pm
In a 2014 Senior Survey, 44 percent of respondents indicated that they were “very dissatisfied” or “generally dissatisfied” with pre-major advising.
04/28/15 12:02am
At Penn, Legal Studies and Business Ethics professor Kevin Werbach uses gamification techniques to motivate his students.
04/25/15 12:00pm
Ideas for Action asks youth ages 18-35 in teams of two to five from all over the world to submit proposals with their ideas for financing solutions to deliver the post-2015 development agenda.
04/25/15 10:00am
Submatriculation, a program that allows students to complete their first year of graduate study during their senior year as undergraduates, exists in many forms on Penn’s campus.
04/24/15 12:00pm
Private universities such as Yale and Cornell have, in recent months, attempted unionization drives — but this doesn't seem to be the case at Penn.
04/23/15 2:17am
In August 2013, four teenagers — Jose Quiroz, Blake Layman, Anthony Sharp and Levi Sparks were charged with the felony murder of their friend, Danzele Johnson who died at the hands of a third party.
04/23/15 12:31am
Twice a year, Penn hosts Penn Apps,  the longest-running college-sponsored hackathon.
04/23/15 12:29am
On Wednesday, Penn Law professors and experts on sexual assault took part in a panel discussion about the University's handling of sexual assault and misconduct cases.