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Joseph Houlden | Beyond the Greek letters: A dive into fraternity life at Penn

(04/29/24 11:35am)

My entire conception of fraternity life was, for the most part, built on movies like "Neighbours" and "American Pie Presents: Beta House," where it is painted as a hub of eccentric and unrestricted merriment around the clock. My own experiences as an exchange student revealed a more complex and nuanced social landscape, challenging these simplistic portrayals and highlighting the often-overlooked depth and diversity within these communities.

In Photos: A day of pro-Palestinian activism as encampment established on Penn’s campus

(04/26/24 7:37am)

Amid ongoing protests and demonstrations at colleges across the county and following days of rising tensions at Penn, a pro-Palestinian encampment began on College Green on Thursday. The encampment followed a citywide march turned rally that started at City Hall and drew hundreds, coinciding with a faculty walkout when it reached campus.

Francesco Salamone | Social status pie: The hierarchy game we all play

(04/28/24 12:21pm)

You and I are playing a subtle game. It congenitally dictates the friends you make, the partner you choose, the major you declare, and the job you apply for. This masked motivation decides both your behaviors and thoughts. It is the secret to understanding human existence. We call it the social status game, and the prize for mastering it is colossal.