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[Michael Lupoli/The Daily Pennsylvanian]

At approximately 7:20 pm this evening, a Buick Century station wagon with Pennsylvania license plates barreled down 37th Street at high speed, crossing Walnut and slamming into a concrete barrier just short of Locust Walk. Eye witnesses said the vehicle swerved several times as it passed Stiteler Hall, taking a final swing to the left as it impacted, mounted and dragged the concrete block, with sparks flying, almost ten feet before coming to a rest at the base of a tree. Though the vehicle appeared severely damaged, neither pedestrians on the Walk nor, reportedly, the driver himself was injured. "He was walking shakily," College freshman Niva Kramek said, noting that the middle-aged man was not bleeding visibly. Despite a malfunctioning emergency "blue light" phone at the scene of the accident, University police were notified immediately and arrived within minutes. A local auto-salvage company removed the wreck later this evening. University police declined to comment, stating only that the incident was "still under investigation."

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