Articles by Fiona Herzog

07/17/24 10:18pm
Employees of Penn Libraries have successfully negotiated an agreement with the University and are set to hold their union election on August 7 and 8 in Van Pelt Library. 
06/11/24 9:53pm
Philadelphia City Councilmember Nicolas O’Rourke invited United RAs at Penn to speak to City Council on May 16 about Penn’s union-busting tactics and to advocate for the resolution.
05/29/24 1:35pm
The encampment — and Penn's response to it — prompted further scrutiny of the administration after several alumni withdrew financial support from the University last fall.
04/30/24 10:41pm
If the vote passes, GET-UP will become the largest union at Penn in recent history with about 4,500 workers.
04/15/24 10:15pm
The station offers a wide range of services, including allowing eligible voters to register to vote, update their registration, and request mail-in ballots with the assistance of the County Board of Elections staff. 
03/21/24 5:31am
The project includes developing a public park, improving traffic calming efforts, and creating better access to nearby areas.
03/12/24 1:34am
Several graduate students discussed the need for a comprehensive labor contract and fair stipends with The Daily Pennsylvanian. 
02/21/24 9:23pm
Scooters are currently banned from campus housing due to their classification as a fire hazard, prompting students to voice displeasure with the regulations.
02/19/24 12:26am
“We’re going to turn this country around fast,” Trump said. “And we’re going to remember the young people, and we’re going to remember Sneaker Con.”
02/07/24 9:49pm
The ruling comes amid an ongoing effort to combat Philadelphia's opioid crisis.
01/26/24 1:17am
The supermarket fully reopened as of Jan. 21, though the inspection report from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health indicated the presence of mice feces.
01/18/24 1:36am
Parker's first executive order aimed to reduce crime and violence in Philadelphia.
11/29/23 1:32am
The screening was followed by a Q&A session with the film's producer who shared their own process with the documentary and answered questions from Penn community members.
11/28/23 8:33pm
As a part of the group, members will participate in quarterly meetings with the President and the Provost to discuss solutions for fostering a more inclusive environment on campus.
11/15/23 7:28pm
GSE's three teacher preparation programs have not experienced a decline in applications, according to program organizers. 
11/09/23 11:16pm
This act proposes lowering the foreign gift reporting threshold for colleges and universities from $250,000 to $50,000, and down to $0 for “countries and entities of concern,” according to the bill summary. 
10/26/23 10:35pm
Nicolas O’Rourke, Kendra Brooks, Isaiah Thomas, and Nina Ahmad spoke at the event about their platforms ahead of the Nov. 7 election. 
10/22/23 8:51pm
According to the study, traces of SARS-CoV-2 in the guts of long COVID-19 patients cause inflammation that prevents the development of serotonin, which is critical to recovery. 
10/19/23 11:39pm
Housekeeping told Penn Dining that they found boxes discarded in trash cans, lounges, and other areas at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
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Photo & Video by Fiona Herzog

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