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Opinion Columns

07/15/10 3:18am

Alec Webley | Embrace whimsy with eight legs

Paul the Octopus stands for not just taking trivial things trivially, but for approaching them with a sense of whimsy and a delight in the absurd.
07/15/10 3:07am

Sarah Ryu | Does work have to be meaningful?

Optimism makes our generation idealistic when searching for work.
07/08/10 2:55am

Maggie Rusch | Pairing innovation with preservation

Penn’s recent and upcoming campus renovations are at best incongruous, and at worst, an eyesore.
07/08/10 2:50am

Sam Bieler | Trading Spaces: Beijing edition

Confident that I had no desire to study abroad, I planned a double major that would keep me on campus. Then I took a summer job as intern in an American law firm in Beijing, and realized I had made a huge mistake.
06/24/10 4:26am

Prameet Kumar | Punk is so last century

The edupunk movement is misguided. Not all corporate influences on education are damaging.
06/24/10 4:03am

Matt Amalfitano | Tackling Penn takes ‘GUTS'

Penn is like a giant episode of Global GUTS. Instead of physical challenges, we wade across our tidal wave pool of classes, Tarzan-swing through our acappella groups and navigate the elastic jungle of Greek life.
06/17/10 2:06am

Emerson Brooking | All a-Twitter for the wrong reasons

Social media has its uses, but also its place.
06/17/10 1:09am

Alec Webley | Paying for the Free Library

In today's volatile economy, the library needs its private benefactors more than ever.
06/10/10 1:52am

Nick Greif | More than just dropped calls

AT&T;'s recent decision to eliminate its "unlimited data plan" in favor of tiered plans fails to take into consideration the future of technology and mobile communication.
06/10/10 12:09am

Paul Richards | Philadelphia through graduated eyes

Even when not the path planned Philadelphia can have a lot to offer a recent college grad.
06/03/10 12:36am

Russell Trimmer | Give universities a crack at it

If the world made sense, the people responsible for causing a problem would take on the responsibility for fixing it. Unfortunately, we have created a world that is too complex to easily apply the lessons of simple childhood decency.
06/03/10 12:05am

Cristopher Willis | Less time in college devalues education

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg's idea that undergraduate degrees could be completed in three years may save tuition, but it costs students an opportunity to learn.
05/27/10 4:08am

Prameet Kumar | An ad not worth 1,000 words

Although the media credits a negative ad with Rep. Joe Sestak's recent victory in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, this view is too simplistic.
05/27/10 4:02am

Sam Bieler | If only I’d known

I now present everything that I wish I had known as a freshman.
05/14/10 1:14am

Senior Goodbye from Alyssa Schwenk | Learn to appreciate the open windows

Somehow, in the most competitive place I’ve ever been, I quit planning and started enjoying myself.
05/14/10 1:11am

Senior Goodbye from Ashwin Shandilya | Starting to ask the right questions

Penn — or more precisely — the people I’ve met at Penn, have played a huge role in that process of discovery.
05/14/10 1:07am

Senior Goodbye from Emily Babay | The real crime

You don’t have to be a reporter to make the realizations I have during my time at Penn. Pursue your passions, whatever they are.
05/14/10 12:59am

Senior Goodbye from Rebecca Kaplan | Be true to yourself

If there’s any lesson that I could hope to impart, it’s this: Don’t shy away from the things that you love, no matter how difficult or different they seem.
05/14/10 12:52am

Senior Goodbye from Juliette Mullin | Page 217 revisited

When I applied to Penn, I wrote my retirement speech for my autobiography’s page 217. Today, I rewrote that speech.
05/14/10 12:40am

Senior Goodbye from David Lei | Four years of surprises

I could not have expected that the past four years would unfold as they did. And the narrative of my Penn experience has been full of surprises.