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05/21/15 11:55am
A Princeton University study found that identifying as Asian on a college application translates to the same disadvantage as scoring 50 points lower on the SAT.
05/16/15 10:00am
The Daily Pennsylvanian asked some Penn administrators to reflect back on when they too were motivated young adults ready to conquer the world. Here is what they had to say.
05/13/15 2:25pm
Beth Winkelstein, Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, will serve as the new Vice Provost for Education beginning on July 1.
04/30/15 12:14am
Last spring, College freshman Kathryn Dewitt was facing her own crisis amidst a semester marked by two student suicides in three weeks.
04/29/15 10:33pm
When it comes to Wharton's social media strategy, what may seem like a one-man show is in fact a large operation.
04/29/15 1:42am
From his office on the 52nd floor of the Comcast Center, David L. Cohen has a panoramic view of Philadelphia, the city in which he is so deeply involved. But he insists on heading to the 56th floor to see his favorite view from the skyscraper.
04/28/15 12:50am
The latest acquisition for Penn Medicine includes a health system with three hospitals, worth nearly $1 billion.
04/27/15 12:14am
This year's operating surplus was $262 million, enough to cover one-third of undergraduate tuition.
04/26/15 11:59pm
Penn Dining says union labor drives up the costs, economics researchers think it might be the effect of having a monopoly or a tool to price out upperclassmen.
04/25/15 10:00am
Submatriculation, a program that allows students to complete their first year of graduate study during their senior year as undergraduates, exists in many forms on Penn’s campus.
04/23/15 1:21am
The survey will close on Thursday at midnight.
04/23/15 12:32am
Divestment movements are sweeping through higher education — though results at Penn have yet to be seen.
04/23/15 12:29am
On Wednesday, Penn Law professors and experts on sexual assault took part in a panel discussion about the University's handling of sexual assault and misconduct cases.
04/23/15 12:28am
The University Council's last meeting of the semester was held Wednesday in Houston Hall.
04/22/15 2:29am
This Spring Fling, the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement officers checked issued only two citations for underage drinking — down from 35 during last year’s Fling.
04/22/15 12:52am
As the University expands its global reach in the 21st century, the school is focused not only on making an impact around the world, but also ensuring that the name Penn has the same meaning for individuals in Ghana, in China and elsewhere as it does for those in Philadelphia.
04/20/15 11:18pm
Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett, a former Management professor at Wharton, delivered lectures to three Management 101 classes on Monday.
04/20/15 12:45am
Along with Goldman Sachs and Teach for America, Penn has consistently ranked among the top employers of its own students for the past several years.
04/17/15 12:00pm
Amy Gutmann chairs the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, which released a report on Ebola.
04/16/15 1:18am
For many Penn students, post-graduation plans begin to cast their shadow early, in a hazy and frequently terrifying way. Some manage to ease the anxiety with an unambiguous post-grad trajectory.