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11/07/16 2:32am
With less than a week to Election Day, Penn Dems is working harder than ever to encourage people to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate nominee Katie McGinty.
11/07/16 12:08am
My Ride to Vote, a California-based Super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton, will be paying for Uber and Lyft rides to Philadelphia polls on Election Day 
11/05/16 1:49pm
One student began his speech by noting, "Obama is really cool."
11/04/16 11:55pm
At a campaign rally in Hershey, Pa. on Friday, Donald Trump said that he believed he would do well in Philadelphia because he went to school at Penn.
11/04/16 11:31am
Trump has mentioned both Penn and Wharton on Twitter over a dozen times.
11/03/16 9:54pm
As the election draws near, it is looking as if Pennsylvania might be the state that decides who will be our next president.
11/03/16 9:47pm

Trump's interactions with his alma mater: a timeline

Since 1968 Wharton graduate Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, he's gotten millions of votes, broken a number of political barriers and made countless inflammatory statements.
11/03/16 9:33pm
Throughout this roller-coaster of an election, Republican nominee Donald Trump has emphasized how different he is from his opponent. The Daily Pennsylvanian decided to investigate.
11/03/16 9:32pm
Penn students have many concerns about election night — one of which is whether to bring popcorn.
11/03/16 9:24pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian has compared Clinton and Trump’s policy platforms on several key issues that most affect Penn students.
11/03/16 9:14pm
Very different groups with very different goals will be doing the same exact thing: watching and waiting.
11/03/16 9:07pm
Besides selecting between Trump and Clinton, Philadelphia voters will also have a slew of down-ballot candidates to choose between. 
11/03/16 9:01pm
With less than a week until the highly anticipated 2016 presidential election, the Clinton campaign is preparing for an intense effort to get out the vote on Penn’s campus as well as across Pennsylvania.
11/03/16 8:57pm
Some Republicans are opting to vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, a third party candidate or abstain from the election.
11/03/16 8:54pm
While some students dismiss voting third party as a wasted vote or even a spoiler vote, others cling to candidates like Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein as alternatives to the two-party system.
11/03/16 8:52pm
It’s the eternal question — discussed during those testy Thanksgiving dinners and on long car rides — how to engage your parents when they are voting for a different political candidate.
11/03/16 8:29pm
You may be anxiously anticipating the end of this election season, but there are plenty of events to get excited about during this last week of craziness.
11/03/16 8:27pm

Students reflect on their role in a contentious election

As many prepare to vote for the first time in the general election Tuesday, Penn students reflect on the long-term significance this election is likely to have on both personal and national scales.
11/03/16 2:58am
Over the course of the last three decades or so, Trump has been identified on a number of University reports as a donor or pledged donor for specific amounts.
11/02/16 11:51pm
To Linda Lucker-Leibowitz, an expert in the Graduate School of Education in studying childhood bullies, Republican nominee Donald Trump has proven to be a perfect test case.