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Amy Gutmann: A look back at her 18-year presidency

(03/17/22 5:51am)

On an overcast October morning in 2004, hundreds of students, faculty, and staff packed into Irvine Auditorium as the University of Pennsylvania formally inaugurated its eighth president, Amy Gutmann. The weather had canceled Gutmann’s planned procession down Locust Walk, but it did not dampen the community's enthusiasm.

Penn’s political groups aim to improve in-person programming based on virtual experiences

(09/01/21 4:13am)

Political clubs at Penn say they are ready to regroup and plan in-person events, bouncing back with an intense focus on building a sense of community that was harder to create online. Here's how on-campus political groups, from Penn Democrats to Penn Government and Politics Association, are gearing up for the semester.

Biden questioned loan debt forgiveness for Ivy League students. So did Penn experts.

(03/01/21 7:31am)

Despite garnering widespread backlash from college students and progressives, President Joe Biden’s statement that he will not consider a plan that favors loan forgiveness for students who attend elite institutions like Penn, Harvard University, and Yale University was met with agreement and understanding from some Penn professors.