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Oy! Translate that tune

(10/02/06 9:00am)

On the sixth floor of Van Pelt Library, Molly Freedman sits in a small room filled with stacks of CDs, Jewish-themed posters and antique music-playing equipment. Her late mother's soothing voice bursts forth from computer speakers, singing in a tongue a thousand years old. Molly cannot help but hum along to the words that used to sway her to sleep as a little girl.

Perspective: Five years later, a new Penn?

(09/12/06 9:00am)

It is 10 a.m. on a Friday, and the scene in Penn's Office of International Programs has all the trappings of business as usual. Students and staff walk briskly to and fro, telephones ring shrilly, and the hum of jovial voices pervades the air. Amid this sea of activity, a small red sign perched on a desk attracts a few glances here and there. It features a few blurry pictures of a devastated Ground Zero, and, in bold, American flag-filled letters implore viewers to "never forget."

Perspective: A Penn student's service in Iraq

(09/12/06 9:00am)

College senior Nicholas Miccarelli, a native of Ridley Park, Pa., recently returned to Penn after completing a tour of duty in Iraq in which he helped train and lead the new Iraqi military forces. Prior to transferring to Penn from Temple in 2003, Miccarelli had spent nine months in Kosovo conducting peacekeeping operations. He talked to the DP about his experiences.