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Random Dude At A Party, Vol. 6

(12/07/14 11:26pm)

A certain overzealous UTB freshman staffer got a teensy bit too inebriated and took what he thought at the time were really insightful, artsy abstract portraits. IRL they were just blurry pics of a couch. With no one sitting on it. #buzzednotblackout, guys. Consequently, as is the case with all good hookups at Penn, this random dude shall remain both nameless and faceless. If you need a mental picture of this mysterious random dude, sources close to our UTB frosh say the RDAP in question was "loud," "Indian," and "scruffy." 

(10/23/14 4:57pm)

Free Flu Shots in Houston -- If you're doing Thirsty Thursday proper tonight, consider heading down to Bodek Lounge in Houston Hall between 11am and 7:30pm today or next Wednesday for a free flu shot (with PennCard). Five minutes and a little injection and you'll only have to worry about one terrifying disease tonight. 

Locust Flaikus

(10/04/14 2:40pm)

A hearty thank you to all the flyerers who we took advantage of put themselves out there, week after week, facing resting bitch face from all who ignore them on Locust. Oh, and sorry if you noticed our eyes glazing over as you informed us about the importance of political diversity in the modern…oops! Must have dozed off. Tbh, we really just wanted the flyer.