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Flyerer Of The Week: South Asia Society

If you find yourself wondering what to do now that you aren’t spending three hours every night prepping your totally awesome costume, check out Penn’s South Asia Society’s fall event, SAS Night Live, happening tonight in Irvine! Follow along with our hardcore investigative journalism to get all the deetz.

So what are you guys promoting right now?

So, um, we have a fall cultural show [tonight]. It’s called SAS Night Live and it’s an amalgamation of all the different groups that are under this organization’s umbrella.

Are any of you going to be performing or are you just promoting?

We’re part of the umbrella organization that organizes the event but some of us are also going to be performing. I’m in one of them. It’s pretty cool.

So what’s the highlight of working with this organization and organizing this night?

The best part is really that everyone comes together and watches people perform together on campus and so it’s really a great opportunity to see each other on one stage on one night. I also think it's really cool that people who aren’t on dance teams or performing arts groups get to come and be part of the community for an evening. This year is especially exciting because some alumni are coming back for the show.

Because [we're] culturally ignorant, what’s the difference between South and North Asia?

*Insert awkward laughter*

South Asia is just like the Indian subcontinent.

Ah, got it. Thanks guys. 
