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Mritika Senthil | A win-win situation? Exploring potential benefits of the McCarthyism lawsuit for pro-Israel advocates

(04/02/24 4:11am)

If you’re chronically online at Penn, you’ve likely come across reports of our University’s many appearances in court. Much of the campus conversation on Penn’s legal involvements has been clouded by individuals prioritizing their own experiences at the expense of understanding, or even just acknowledging, those of others. Perhaps this phenomenon owes to recent upsets in discourse; The establishment, privilege, and whiteness have become so integral to conversation that we’re hypersensitive to any fellow classmate or faculty member’s possible complicity in some global conflict. 

Mritika Senthil | Removing legacy admissions will align Penn’s actions more closely with its educational mission

(02/06/24 6:03pm)

Often, my friends and I eagerly rail against the idea of the corporate, so-called “yuppie,” lifestyle. The thought of following a monotonous nine-to-five routine — confined to a cubicle and endlessly toiling away on spreadsheets, all while benefiting wealthy executives — is a concept we don’t find particularly exciting.

Mritika Senthil | The Middle East Center Director’s resignation is a concerning echo of the Cold War

(12/07/23 1:07am)

On Nov. 28, Middle East Center director Harun Küçük submitted his resignation amidst the University’s alleged violations of academic freedom. Most notably, members of Penn’s progressive Jewish society Chavurah have been threatened with disciplinary action upon scheduling a screening of “Israelism,” a documentary that critically explores a “deepening generational divide over modern Jewish identity” amidst Israel’s “brutal” treatment of Palestinian citizens.