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Toe the Line: College Republicans | Philadelphia Municipal Election

(11/02/15 5:29am)

While everyone has been tuning into the presidential debates and following the latest comments from Donald Trump, this is all for an election more than a year away. It may not be as widely known that there is in fact an election tomorrow as well. On Tuesday, voters will have the opportunity to vote on an array of local and state issues that will have a significant impact on our local community. While the election tomorrow may not have the high-profile names that are in the news every day, this election will have a significant impact. College Republicans urges all those students registered to vote in tomorrow’s election here in Philadelphia to do so.

Toe the Line: College Republicans | Gun control

(10/19/15 4:11am)

Due to the most recent Oregon shooting, the nation has begun its recurring but short-winded debate about how to fix our “gun problem.” Those on the conservative side of the spectrum tend to emphasize the need for better treatment of mental health and the need for the protection of the Second Amendment: the peoples’ right to bear arms. Those on the liberal side tend to push for restrictions on the ability to purchase and use guns, citing the example of Australian gun buy-back as the basis of why fewer guns lead to less gun violence.

Toe the Line: College Republicans | Immigration reform

(10/05/15 5:55am)

“As the son of an immigrant family, I am happy to be a guest in this country, which was largely built by such families,” Pope Francis said in his opening remarks during his trip to the United States last week. Our history is undeniable — our roots are found in the immigrants that came before us. As Carly Fiorina pointed out in the second Republican Party debate a few weeks ago, we have been talking about immigration for decades. Yet, we have failed to act for far too long. The College Republicans recognize that the U.S. needs a comprehensive reform of our immigration system at all levels.

Toe the Line: College Republicans | Syrian refugee crisis

(09/25/15 9:23pm)

For over a century, “The New Colossus,” the sonnet adorning the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, has challenged us to accept the world’s huddled masses. Advocates for the tired and poor have referenced it countless times to urge action on a number of humanitarian crises. Today’s crisis of Syrian refugees is the latest.