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Toe the Line: Penn Democrats | American politics: In need of a discourse on international trade

(11/13/17 4:28am)

In Vietnam this past week, Trump elaborated upon his frustrations with the current structure of international trade. He criticized past trade agreements for their exploitation of the United States, lamenting these agreements for disproportionately hurting the United States while prioritizing Asian interests.

Toe the Line: Penn Democrats | A millionaire's tax plan with a populist disguise

(10/02/17 4:20am)

“No, I don’t benefit. I don’t benefit. In fact, very, very strongly, as you see, I think there’s very little benefit for people of wealth.” In a statement that is glaringly anathematic to essentially every aspect of the Trump presidency — from his administration, to his appeals to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, to his general demeanor and handling of his own wealth as a public figure — it’s not hard to imagine the deception underlying this claim. It becomes even more laughable, still, when considering it in the context of his proposed tax plan.

Toe the Line: Penn Democrats | DACA: Morality beyond economy

(09/18/17 2:44am)

It isn’t often you see the interest groups of major internet service providers, Facebook, Amazon, Lyft, the American Civil Liberties Union and the NAACP on the same side of an issue. And yet, such is the political climate that has been fostered by President Donald Trump, making strange bedfellows and coalitions of organizations, corporations and individuals and certainly pushing one to wonder — how could anyone support this if such a diverse range of interests can not support it?

Toe the Line: Penn Democrats | Health care

(01/23/17 2:55am)

Few focal points of the Republican presidential cycle stood out with as much singularity and clarity as the promise to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, a rallying cry for much of the Trump electorate, regardless of class, race or gender. Yet, as several articles point out, many of these voters are enrolled in Obamacare and rely on its coverage for insurance — how did this dissonance aide in the election of Donald Trump?