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Divya Ramesh | Where the world has gone blank

(07/18/13 2:16am)

On a train ride from Philadelphia to Princeton Junction last week, I overheard an elderly couple arguing over the geographical position of Malta, unable to decide whether it was in the Caribbean Sea or the Indian Ocean. From my seat across the aisle, I waited for the dispute to end, and when it didn’t, I used Google Maps to convince the couple that Malta floated in the Mediterranean Sea, not far off the coast of Sicily.

Divya Ramesh | Food on the move

(06/19/13 11:36pm)

Many residents of low-income areas across the United States struggle with their weight. Despite numerous healthy eating and healthy lifestyle initiatives like Shape Up Vicksburg, poverty and obesity seem inextricably linked. Figures from the Mayo Clinic show that counties nationwide with poverty rates above 35 percent also suffer from obesity rates that are 145 percent greater than those of their wealthier counterparts.

Divya Ramesh | Hello, my name is ‘Stranger’

(04/22/13 4:36am)

On every SEPTA ride home, I seem to converse with an interesting person: a student hiding from her parents, a stay-at-home dad with a diagnosed fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth and even a freelance clown heading for Levittown for a birthday party. My conversations have helped to pass time and have also taught me trapeze artist lingo and refreshed my knowledge on the symptoms of arachibutyrophobia.