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Expect more snow, colder temperatures than usual this winter in Philadelphia

(11/14/16 7:21am)

It’s that time of year again when weathermen and women around the country try to forecast how much snow and cold their respective cities will receive this upcoming winter. Although it may seem that many people just pick a number out of a hat and go with that as their snow total or look at a similar years and draw exact parallels between now and then, there is actually a complex science behind long-range forecasting.

Sunny skies expected in week of Fall Break

(10/03/16 5:45am)

The wet weather from the last several days is finally on its way out as the low pressure system that just sat near the region for almost a week will move out, leading to sunny skies and average temperatures. We shouldn't see much in the way of rain or showers this week, but there is a small chance of showers on Tuesday morning. All in all, the pre-Fall Break week looks beautiful.