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Sukkathon 2012: In celebration of the Jewish holiday Sukkot, ten teams compete to design and construct the best Sukkah, in Penn's first Sukkah building competition. Order of huts: 1) Wearcare, next to Rodin. 2) Home is Where the Hut is, high rise field 3) Hillel Sukkah, Hillel 4) Frat Shak, in front of Hillel 5) Secret Sukkah, between Harnwell and Commons 6) Sukkah in a Nutshell, college green 7) The Sukkah Enterprise, between music building and Towne 8) The Lovud Shack, in front of Annenberg 9) American Turf, in front of Stitler Hall 10) The Tower, in front of Class of 1925 House 11) Open Party Sukkah, Phi Psi 12) Colors and Crafts, 40th Pine