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For so many within the University community, The Daily Pennsylvanian serves as the access point for objective coverage and a forum for free expression of ideas.

Throughout 126 years of publication, our student journalists have taken pride in being at the forefront of changes in the media landscape.

Yet as we adapt to the quickening pace of communications, the little things that are essential for constructive discourse have fallen by the wayside. The paper has occasionally fallen privy to errors that threaten credibility.

We know we can do better.

Though surrounding circumstances will continue to change, it is our ongoing devotion to editorial integrity that has established us as the paper of record for the University and will be essential to ensuring that we remain a source of pride for the campus.

The DP plays a unique role in shaping the way our readers perceive the Penn community and with this privilege comes huge responsibility.

This year, we will hold ourselves to higher standards to ensure that every item we publish is clear, honest and fair.

On behalf of our staff, I want to thank you, the readers, for demanding the best in journalism and for following along as we embark on a mission to define excellence in the modern newsroom.

Have a comment or concern you'd like to share with Lauren? Send her an e-mail at

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