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The search for the next University president is young, even in dog years, but rumors that prominent political figures may be considering the job are already starting to fly. And getting shot down. In a section of his column titled "Bradley to Penn?" Philadelphia Daily News staff writer Gar Joseph wrote that "the early buzz on who might succeed Judith Rodin as president... mentions former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley. "A Princeton guy? Say it ain't so!" Contacted yesterday, Joseph dismissed the "buzz" as "pure gossip" -- a "throw-away line" to end his piece. But the former professional basketball player and Democratic senator from New Jersey wouldn't be a bad choice, according to long-time supporter and Harvard Economics Professor David Cutler. "I think he's a wonderfully thoughtful person, a very, very bright person with a deep interest in policy issues, which I suspect carries over into interest in academics," Cutler said. "I think anything he gets involved in will benefit from him," he continued. "So if it were true [that Bradley were coming to Penn], I would smile and say, 'Gosh, that's pretty wonderful.'" Cutler also praised Bradley's commitment to the understanding of health care issues -- a potential plus in the man who would run the University's mammoth health system. Bradley even has a connection to Penn, as a member of the Penn National Commission on Society, Culture and Community. Bradley worked with the think tank of scholars, politicians and public figures whose work on civic discourse will be available later this month in a book -- Public Discourse in America -- edited by Rodin and the Commission's chairman, Stephen Steinberg. Steinberg would not comment, saying, "Sorry, it's not a topic that I comment on." Rodin also had nothing to say about the rumor, noting that she hadn't heard it and isn't on the search committee, anyway. Chairman of the University Board of Trustees James Riepe would not comment on the rumor, either. Bradley, contacted at his office at the New York-based investment banking firm Allen & Company, also would not comment. Some rumors aim even higher than the former senator, fingering ex-President Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, Clinton is too busy to consider the position, according to Tammy Sun, a spokeswoman in the Clinton Foundation's New York office. "In general, I can tell you it's not a position he's considering," she said. "He's very busy working on his foundation.... And there's his book." Joseph, of the Daily News, agreed that a Clinton presidency at Penn isn't likely. "I don't doubt he's been approached," Joseph said. "That would be a great coup for the school... but that's a long shot."

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