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Student Government

03/05/14 12:13am
Sunday’s closed executive meeting of the Undergraduate Assembly contributed to a postponement of the annual budget process, leaving other branches of student government without an official budget allocation until March 23.
03/02/14 10:43pm

Class Boards to host mental wellness project

Class Boards plan to add to the mental health initiatives on campus and host the Wellness Project, working with CAPS to coordinate Mental Health Week and implementing Wellness Wednesdays.
02/26/14 10:14pm
Last year, the Bureau issued 31 citations to students at 2 off-campus parties during Fling
02/10/14 6:30pm

Moral evil or market reality: UA discusses Penn's tobacco investments

Professors on Business Ethics and Philosophy brought upon the UA the topic of Penn's assets in tobacco companies, urging the Assembly to speak out against the university's endorsements.
02/09/14 4:07pm
The Student Committee on Undergraduate Education elected Luis Siegmund as its new chair. He discussed the body’s plans to connect Penn students.
02/03/14 5:30pm

UA discusses possible new pre-orientation program

During this week’s meeting, the UA delved on the prospect of a new research-oriented pre-orientation program: also discussed was the creation of a new mental health forum and the new “Got Consent?” campaign.
12/10/13 12:00am

UA debates writing requirement for STEM students

The UA also voted to sponsor the development of a Penn mobile app and to change the UA president and vice president prerequisites.
12/02/13 2:53pm
The Office of Admissions is now instructing tour guides, who are members of the Kite and Key Society, to say less about starting new clubs or language courses.
12/01/13 7:59pm

This day in history: students discontent with SAC in 1988

Today, 14 months have passed since SAC voted not to recognize any new student groups, marking the second moratorium on new groups in the past three years.
11/25/13 9:35pm

UA raises concerns about health and alcohol

The general body also was updated about Admitted Student Outreach, a program being piloted with Early Decision admits to facilitate connections with relevant student leaders.
11/21/13 8:20pm

SCUE launches tutorials site OPenned

The website features “tutorials” on topics of interest, as well as videos of speakers on campus that students might have missed.
11/18/13 8:59pm

UA discusses food truck fee and possible public speaking curriculum

The suggestion for a public speaking curriculum has been raised in the past, but some are worried it may not fit into current curriculum under the Critical Writing Program.
11/13/13 7:36pm

Union labor fees behind rise in facilities costs

Even spaces that are rent free require that students pay for services such as housekeeping and security.
11/11/13 6:31pm

UA questions effectiveness of its elections

On Sunday, members of the Undergraduate Assembly considered whether its body is truly representative of the student body.
11/04/13 6:03pm

UA discusses reducing dual-degree requirements

The general body is also working with Penn Transit to increase use of its services, starting with a shuttle to the Homecoming game.
10/25/13 2:57pm
The DP sat down with the Student Activities Council’s incoming chair.
10/20/13 11:29pm

Student groups speak out against SAC moratorium

Representatives from various clubs spoke about the Student Activities Council’s moratorium which prevent clubs from being recognized and, as a result, from receiving funding from the UA.
10/17/13 10:25pm

Moratorium remains priority for new SAC board

The moratorium, which prevents recognition of new student groups, has been in place for a year.
10/14/13 8:11pm

Around the Ivies: How students shape academic life

Given SCUE’s recent academic initiatives, The Daily Pennsylvanian is taking a look at how other schools in the Ivy League are helping shape student academic life.
10/13/13 1:06pm
The Fall Concert will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15 in the Harrison Auditorium of the Penn Museum.