Articles by Katherine Rea

04/25/11 4:56am

Farewell Column by Katherine Rea | Mini life lessons

Rather than reminiscing, I thought I’d just share a bunch of mini life lessons from my past four years. Because mini things are better. And they take themselves less seriously.
04/23/10 2:19am

Rea-lity Check | Here’s to Hey Day and beyond

I’m going to make a bold statement here and say I’m looking forward not just to senior year, but also graduation.
04/16/10 1:18am

Rea-lity Check | Not all about the booze

If you focus all your attention on getting wasted, you’ll miss how great Fling can be even without alcohol.
04/09/10 3:20am

Rea-lity Check | Help peers proactively

Now more than ever before, a peer counseling program would be appropriate for our campus. It would be an excellent way to enhance unity as well as provide a valuable service for students.
04/02/10 3:49am

Rea-lity Check | Technology is just a tool

There’s a difference between having more options for self-expression and information and using digital skill as an identity.
03/26/10 5:12am

Rea-lity Check | Questioning the election

I wish real differences in priorities played a larger role in this year’s UA presidential and vice-presidential elections, rather than "unity" of everyone's priorities.
02/26/10 3:27am

Rea-lity Check | Deflate grades' importance

Grades are overrated. Yeah, I said it. Grades are so arbitrary, it’s hard to take them seriously as an indicator of future success. Just work hard in your classes, and take the ones you want to work hard in.
02/19/10 6:05am

Rea-lity Check | A new vision for libraries

The key for university libraries is balance between digital and print information. But perhaps in the future, this balance should be reconsidered.
02/05/10 5:47am

Rea-lity Check | The trick to fixing schools

Universities can play a role in improving K-12 instruction, whether by supporting schools in the community, as Penn does, or producing graduates who will affect the education system.
01/29/10 4:51am

Rea-lity check | A need for open discussion

Hopefully we can make sexual violence awareness more discussion based and bring more of the campus into the dialogue.
01/22/10 6:36am

Rea-lity Check | Not worth the salt

New York is already way ahead of Philadelphia and the rest of the country on this public-health concern. Considering Philly's rep, it's time to step up on innovation in public health.
01/15/10 5:15am

Rea-lity Check | Sit back and relax

Using stress to get more done is effective, but more often than not it just makes life unpleasantly overwhelming.
12/04/09 6:49am

Katherine Rea | Texting tactfully

Texting, perhaps because it feels so discreet, lacks clear boundaries in determining when it’s appropriate.
11/20/09 2:33am

Katherine Rea | I love college?

“I hate my life,” or “Eff my life” seem like such melodramatic and inappropriate things to say. Eff my life? Really?
11/13/09 4:32am

Katherine Rea | Accessing medication

After years of work, six universities — including Penn, Harvard and Yale — committed to make desperately needed medicines more accessible to developing countries.
11/06/09 2:34am

Katherine Rea | Thinking things through

The proposed direct elections for a student-body president have their merits and disadvantages
10/30/09 1:02am

Katherine Rea | Keeping it close to home

Languages and regional, religious and gender courses give students the chance to see the world from a different perspective.
10/23/09 3:40am

Katherine Rea | Dropping the spirit stick

We have three more home football games this year, and it all starts with the fans. Students should show up to support their team.
10/09/09 4:00am

Katherine Rea | Tracking changes everything

Katherine Rea takes a look at how both students and older people view tracked advertising online
10/02/09 3:11am

Katherine Rea | Exiling more than sexiling

Tufts’ new policy eliminates more than just one uncomfortable night on the couch
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