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Student Life

11/23/15 4:00am
Last Thursday, College freshman Natalie Breuel’s hands shook as she walked onto the stage at a black tie charity gala for the anti-gun violence Brady Campaign.
11/22/15 11:22pm
On Friday, the Undergraduate Assembly hosted College Day, during which 34 eighth grade students from Henry C. Lea Elementary School in West Philadelphia had the opportunity to come to Penn and learn more about life at college. 
11/19/15 10:20am
Epsilon Eta plans to be more of a service and education-based group rather than one heavily involved in Penn’s party scene.
11/19/15 10:07am
A public discussion about the findings of this survey was held in Houston Hall as a safe space for a dialogue about sexual and interpersonal violence.
11/19/15 10:06am
College junior Kiri Baga lives two exceptional lives: one as a world class figure skater and another as an Ivy league undergraduate.
11/18/15 11:31pm
For some, taking six classes a semester is a necessity. For others, it’s a satisfying choice.
11/18/15 10:18pm
In honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance, Out4Biz, Wharton’s LGBT MBA student club, invited students and faculty to wear stickers printed with various gender pronouns in an event called "Where Your Pronouns." 
11/18/15 2:24am
In January, College Junior Michelle Guefen founded J*Stage Theatre Company — Penn’s newest acting group.
11/18/15 12:50am
Since the formation of the new student group Penn Against Gun Violence was announced last week, campus discussion on the already controversial issue of gun rights has intensified.
11/17/15 10:53pm
Some students question the intent and impact of alcohol and drug safety posters lining their dorms.
11/17/15 12:57am
On Friday, Wharton Leadership Ventures hosted an event that taught undergraduates how to use storytelling to develop their leadership abilities.
11/17/15 12:40am
Student Health Services offers free meditation sessions on Mondays and Thursdays at noon.
11/17/15 12:33am
How much does a facelift cost? — for Hill College House, the price is $80.5 million, but Hill's renovation is more like a structural surgery.
11/17/15 12:19am
Student Government leaders answered questions about their current projects and future goals on Monday night.
11/16/15 12:38am
Alpha Delta Pi raised $1,870 at its second annual Pie-a-President philanthropic event, breaking its previous record of $1,250
11/15/15 2:00pm
If you have a great idea which addresses a significant world problem, then you could be the next millionaire.
11/15/15 12:00pm
Varying by department, teaching assistants at Penn see a decent pay rate for their work.
11/14/15 3:00pm
Navigating Penn and Philadelphia dining can be harder for students who follow certain diets
11/14/15 1:00pm
Penn students take advantage of the program less frequently than students at Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore and Haverford
11/13/15 11:00am
Penn's campus is no stranger to protests, and the demonstrations at Yale last week bring up the difficult balance between free speech and cultural sensitivity.