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Student Life

04/27/16 2:34am
At Take Back the Night on April 7, Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush explained how students could use the Penn Guardian app to anonymously report sexual assaults.
04/27/16 2:33am
On Wednesday evening, students in Foundations of Public Health (HSOC 251) gathered to share their research and recommended solutions for Penn students’ health concerns in Penn’s first Public Health Undergraduate Symposium.
04/26/16 2:02am
The curtains opened as the pitch black darkness brightened to reveal flashing shades of deep crimsons, sparkling golds, and jet blacks.
04/26/16 2:00am
The Graduate School of Education won a $138,000 grant earlier this month to study the law school admissions market.
04/25/16 1:38am
In just seven hours, a team of Penn undergraduates impressed senior Deloitte management to capture the top prize.
04/25/16 1:16am
The show featured 12 Penn students performing original monologues, telling their stories so that those in the audience might find a connection with their own experiences.
04/23/16 6:00am
Female leadership has gained a spotlight at Penn with the recent installment of the first all-female ticket to the Undergraduate Assembly.
04/22/16 11:41pm
On the last day of classes, YG, Metro Boomin and Kamaiyah will be performing in SPEC-TRUM’s annual Spring Concert held at the Armory.
04/21/16 1:50am
On April 22, 1970, members of the Penn community banded together to create the first ever Earth Day.
04/21/16 1:47am
Bike & Build began in 2003 and plans trips for groups of approximately 30 people to bike cross-country, aid in building housing and raise funding and awareness for affordable housing. 
04/21/16 1:46am
Cuddy’s 2012 TED Talk on “power poses” is the site’s second most viewed video of all time. 
04/21/16 12:46am
Find out which tanks were worn by the most people.
04/20/16 11:23pm
For first-generation students, locating resources, navigating college life and finding a community of people who share similar experiences can be difficult.
04/20/16 2:38am
Compared to last year's Fling, hospitalizations, liquor law violations and the number of houses listed as disturbances all went up.
04/20/16 2:30am
Penn Benjamins Peer Counseling is Penn’s first and only in-person peer counseling organization, its counselors lovingly referred to as "Bens."
04/20/16 2:29am
Every couch and table was filled in Harnwell rooftop lounge on Thursday as students gathered to engage in open dialogue about mental health as part of the TableTalkTuesday initiative launched by TableTalk Penn.
04/20/16 2:28am
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cruised to victories in the Empire State, leaving competitors John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders with narrow paths to the nomination. 
04/19/16 3:29pm
Participants talked about the definition of privilege, then recognized their own privileges — able-bodiedness, sexual orientation, speaking English and even being a Penn student — before launching into the discussion.
04/19/16 2:09am
Reflecting on Sept. 25, 2000, the fateful day he survived his attempted suicide, he shared his story of recovery and renewed outlook on love and living.
04/19/16 2:06am
At Penn, international students have bared witness, much to their surprise and concern, to what is turning out to be a historic election for American politics.