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Student Life

06/16/16 12:20am
Over a year ago the University Council Honorary Degree Committee started the process of picking the commencement speaker for the University of Pennsylvania’s graduating Class of 2016.
06/16/16 12:19am
Shark Tank held closed auditions exclusively for Penn students, faculty and alumni on Saturday in Jon M. Huntsman Hall.
06/10/16 12:42pm
Engineering graduate student Qi He went missing Sunday when he was glissading, or using an ice ax to control his slide, down Asgard Pass, a popular alpine hiking area near Seattle, WA.
06/09/16 12:05am
"Slice Capital is a platform that allows anybody to buy and sell shares in the coolest, newest startups," he said. "We're looking to democratize the funding space so that the power is not only in the hands of venture capitalists and angels."
06/04/16 6:00am
Live in the Quad, bring a mattress pad and other tips for living in a Penn dorm.
06/04/16 6:00am
Across campus, there are no lack of places to grab a bite if you're opting for something other than a dining hall.
06/04/16 6:00am
The online project provides a canvas for students to publish letters to their freshman selves, detailing all sorts of questions, struggles, and triumphs they’ve experienced and offer retrospective advice.
06/04/16 6:00am
A major part of the Penn food experience is sampling food trucks across University City.
06/04/16 6:00am
The array of LGBTQ student groups at Penn is as diverse as the community itself. Here's a list of the existing clubs on campus.
06/04/16 6:00am
From the historic, decorated Quad to the brand new College house opening this fall, Penn offers a variety of living options.
06/04/16 6:00am
While Hill College House closes for renovations and the New College House opens, Sansom West will join the roster of Penn college houses. 
06/02/16 12:10am
The New York Times picked Philadelphia as the latest subject of its “36 Hours” travel series, and recommended starting out on Penn’s campus. Philadelphia was featured after locales like Oahu, Amsterdam, Southeast London and Louisville.
05/26/16 12:04am
What was once intuited by student culture has now been proven by data — Penn undergraduates have bad sleeping habits.
05/25/16 11:52pm
The Committee for Diversity and Equity, which advises and reports to the University Council, recommended that the University establish a First Generation Office for students who are the first in their families to attend college.
05/25/16 11:27pm
In early May, the Class Board of 2019 compiled a list of the locations where rising sophomores will spend their summers.
05/25/16 11:26pm
Despite the University’s efforts to increase awareness of and access to mental health resources, some students felt that the pamphlets didn’t do enough.
05/25/16 10:29pm
A fraternity listserv email thread containing racial and homophobic slurs prompted a member to leave the organization at the end of the spring semester.
05/25/16 10:25pm
The new shipping center, which occupies half of the ground floor of 1920s Commons, officially opened its doors to the public last Wednesday.
05/25/16 10:23pm
Times Higher Education has ranked Penn 16th based on a world-wide university ranking system. 
05/25/16 10:22pm
According to Canvas at Penn’s blog post about the May 16th user interface update, everyone would “jump for joy over the new Canvas UI!” But to students, while a welcome change, the update was largely inconsequential.