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02/19/17 11:05pm
“[The media] saw how entertained we were by [Trump], and they gave us more,” O'Malley said.
02/19/17 9:19pm
Doctoral candidate Colman Humphrey said Twitter would become less of a forum for intellectual conversation and more of a "tabloid" medium as time progressed after a debate. 
02/17/17 6:52pm
Student Caleb O'Neil received a letter notifying him of the suspension and of requirements that he submit a written apology to the professor and an essay about the incident.
02/15/17 10:54pm

Was Trump really a top student at Wharton? His classmates say not so much

Penn records and Trump’s classmates dispute the claim that Trump graduated near the top of his class.
02/15/17 10:52pm
Navigating the immigration process can be difficult for those unfamiliar with the American legal system. To help immigrants in this situation, 2013 Penn Law graduate Jeremy Peskin and immigration attorney James Pittman created Borderwise.
02/15/17 10:45pm
As graduating seniors prepare to enter a workforce characterized by political uncertainty under Trump's presidency, many have had to rethink their professional plans — particularly those students who had hoped to work in politics or government.
02/15/17 10:28pm
#DeleteUber became a boycott against the company, with many Penn students switching to the alternative ride-sharing service Lyft. However, campus opinion about the effectiveness of the movement varies.
02/15/17 10:17pm
On Wednesday, Feb. 15, Penn students gathered in Ambani Auditorium in Huntsman Hall for 1987 College graduate Jon Huntsman, Jr.’s lecture.
02/14/17 11:02pm
The Penn Congressional Call Center is a nonpartisan space and all of the resources necessary for Penn students to contact their Congressional representatives, regardless of party, and voice an opposition.
02/14/17 9:54pm
Former Vice President and future Penn professor Joe Biden has been named the chair of the National Constitution Center.
02/14/17 6:49pm
Penn professor Marybeth Gasman, who is also the director of the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions, told Inside Higher Ed that she hopes leaders of historically black colleges and universities refrain from meeting with Trump. 
02/14/17 5:31pm
Falwell told the Chronicle of Higher Education that the task force will focus on "overreaching regulation" by the federal government. “The goal is to pare [regulation] back and give colleges and their accrediting agencies more leeway in governing their affairs,” he said.
02/14/17 4:58pm
She added that health care is a human rights issue, and that Republican efforts to overturn Obamacare call into question the United States' dedication to domestic human rights. 
02/13/17 10:48pm
The panelists also discussed the differences between the political climates in Nazi Germany and the United States today. Weissberg spoke about how thousands of Americans have protested Trump's immigration ban in ways the citizens of Germany did not protest Nazi policies.
02/13/17 9:47pm
“In the fall, [our strategy] was campaigning for the candidates that we really cared about. This semester, it means speakers, education events, advocacy and fundraising,” Pomerantz said.
02/13/17 9:38pm
Michael Krone, College sophomore and communications director of the UA, said that more transparency is needed in the process so that students understand how the speaker is chosen.
02/13/17 1:18pm
Filed in conjunction with 16 other colleges and universities, the legal document argues that Trump's executive travel ban threatens the schools' "ability to welcome international students, faculty, and scholars into their communities."
02/08/17 10:02pm
College and Wharton freshman Michael Moroz, the organization’s representative to the University Council, presented a different opinion towards the executive order at the UCouncil meeting on Feb. 1.
02/08/17 9:41pm
In the clinics, attorneys and students will address the concerns of members of the Penn community regarding immigration and travel.
02/08/17 2:14pm
Several students in the Wharton MBA program organized the march after hearing the struggles of colleagues and faculty members, one who is unable to visit his wife in Canada out of fear he won't be let back into the country.