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10/28/10 3:26am
Students and local politicians gathered on a wet College Green Wednesday for the Get Out the LGBTQA Vote Rally, encouraging people to vote for allies of the LGBT community.
10/27/10 4:45am
Students that have grown weary of an election season dominated by witchcraft ads and Nazi costumes had an opportunity to witness something different — a substantive debate on economic policy.
10/27/10 3:12am

Kenyan ambassador addresses country's new constitution

Elkanah Odembo, the Kenyan Ambassador to the United States, gave a public address Tuesday evening to discuss Kenya’s recent progress as well as its goals for the future.
10/25/10 3:44am

Dems target competitive suburban district

With only eight days remaining until the 2010 midterm elections, Penn Democrats dedicated their time Saturday to the close election in Pennsylvania’s nearby eighth congressional district.
10/22/10 5:30am
Members of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action critiqued arguments supporting gun control and encouraged students to support pro-gun candidates in the upcoming elections.
10/20/10 4:31am
Enough students attended the Tuesday-evening event “Israel and Palestine: The Search for Solutions,” to fill up a lecture hall in Cohen Hall.
10/18/10 6:05am

PLTV, Penn Democrats register 1,300 new voters

Political student groups registered 1,341 students to vote in the upcoming midterms. At just 180 short of the 1,521 student voters in 2006, the numbers suggest potential for high voter turnout.
10/14/10 3:44am

Teach-in keeps DREAM Act alive

In an effort to raise campus awareness of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, which failed to pass last month, Chicano culture group MEChA held a teach-in Wednesday afternoon on College Green.
10/14/10 2:46am

Colbert rally aims to 'Keep Fear Alive'

The host of 'The Colbert Report' — a satirical news show — is holding the 'March to Keep Fear Alive,' a rally taking place on October 30 at the National Mall in Washington, DC.
10/07/10 4:40am

Penn's Tea Party hosts ex-governor candidate Robert Mansfield

Former Pa. gubernatorial candidate Robert Mansfield spoke Wednesday night to Penn’s branch of the Tea Party about his political journey toward the conservative grassroots movement.
10/05/10 4:51am
Now that registration for the Nov. 2 midterm elections is over, Penn’s political groups will shift gears to focus on voter turnout among both students and area residents.
10/04/10 4:36am

Groups make last effort to register voters

With a Pennsylvania voter registration deadline of midnight tonight student political groups spent the weekend adding as many students as possible to the state’s voter rolls.
10/04/10 3:47am

Penn Dems canvass in Philadelphia suburbs

Volunteers from the Penn Democrats went door to door in Swarthmore, Pa., on Saturday on behalf of Bryan Lentz, the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania’s seventh congressional district — a key area of Pennsylvania for statewide candidates.
10/01/10 3:35am
Graduate student Dan Chinburg was once a full-time intern for the Democratic Committee in Montgomery County. Now he’s an active member of the Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots.
09/30/10 3:38am

Mobilizing the student vote

With less than five days remaining until the Oct. 4 voter registration deadline, student political leaders at Penn are making a final push to swell the voter rolls at polling locations across campus.
09/28/10 5:15am
On Monday, Karl Rove spoke to an audience of about 100 attendees at the National Constitution Center, at 525 Arch St., regarding his newly released autobiography and the midterm elections.
09/23/10 2:16am

Howard Dean fundraises for Pennsylvania Democratic midterm candidates

Howard Dean, a former governor of Vermont, held a fundraising event at the home of a Pennsylvania state senator on Wednesday for the Democratic candidates in Pennsylvania’s sixth and seventh congressional districts — Manan Trivedi and Bryan Lentz, respectively.
09/22/10 5:16am

Young Republicans may be more excited in 2010

A recent poll suggests that, contrary to popular belief, young Republicans may be more enthusiastic than their Democratic peers — at least in the upcoming midterm elections.
09/22/10 3:51am

DREAM act fails to pass

Though student activists at Penn were disappointed that the Development, Relief and Education for Minor Aliens Act’s passage failed to pass Congress, they say they will continue to campaign.
09/21/10 4:47am

Six months later, health care a liability for Democrats

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has become a heated issue between Republicans, who attack those who supported the bill, and Democrats, who wish to not be viewed as big spenders in a recession.