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Guest Columns

04/29/20 5:00pm
The two most important aspects that need to be fulfilled in order to accommodate all Penn undergraduates are to allow the option to have letter grades and to mitigate the effects of circumstantial inequality. The best way to approach this problem is by having a Double-A grading policy, in which students are guaranteed an A-, or a double-A/fail policy, in which passing a course awards at least an A-. 
04/27/20 4:38pm
While Penn’s focus on continuing to support staff under $70,000 is commendable, this is truly a moment for the Board of Trustees and the Penn administration to be more transparent about why fiscal austerity is falling on the backs of their employees and students.
04/27/20 4:30pm
With the federal government’s current social distancing recommendations, it is best for us to remain in our homes until the experts say it’s safe to come out again. However, once we return to campus, we should not fear the precious in-person connections that make Penn wonderful. 
04/24/20 12:48pm
What if, instead of bowing to political pressure, we demanded more news coverage and investigations? What if we gave Tara Reade the same credibility and respect that we gave Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in 2018?
04/23/20 7:14pm
As we navigate our lives during this pandemic, the designation of 2020 as the International Year of Nurse has become more profound.
04/23/20 5:25pm
I call for unity among Penn community ahead of the upcoming presidential election in support of Biden to restore the dignity of the office of presidency. I ask Penn for Bernie to endorse Biden for president despite all the disagreements.
04/22/20 2:27pm
It is time for Penn to acknowledge that it owes more to students than a refund for housing and dining and that we pay our school for more than just a diploma, especially when students have never been more vulnerable.
04/21/20 1:02am
Even though President Trump doesn’t “take responsibility at all,” we must hold him accountable for his mistakes — and hold Penn College Republicans accountable for theirs.
04/19/20 11:21pm
As residents of Philadelphia, we have the obligation to make sure the city has enough resources to be able to support us. For every person not counted, Philly stands to lose $21,000 in federal funding over the next ten years. 
03/26/20 12:47pm
Many are unconvinced of the virus’ threat not only to themselves, but also to society at large – so unconvinced, in fact, that they are engaging in the most socially destructive behavior imaginable, given the threat at hand. Sound familiar? 
03/21/20 3:34pm
Missing graduation this May is going to be terrible. Social distancing is not going to be easy. But if what we must endure for the coming months saves even one life, then it will be worth it.
03/21/20 3:21pm
More than ever before, we also need a leader capable of guiding our country and restoring our democracy. That Democrat at the top of the ticket will be Joe Biden, and Penn Dems is proud and excited to endorse him. 
03/17/20 12:14pm
As members of Penn Student Government, we hope to advocate for the needs of those most vulnerable in our community at this time.
03/16/20 6:36pm
I was feeling a lot of things — a strange cocktail of sadness, sentimentality, bitterness, and anger. Originally, a lot of that anger was directed at Penn and other universities.
03/13/20 11:28pm
Right now, this period may seem like a difficult, uncertain time. But looking back at the past three years, I know we have the power to decide how these moments will become meaningful.
03/13/20 10:20pm
Know the facts and stay informed. When making efforts to prevent the spread of a pandemic, we must also prevent the spread of misinformation and violence.
03/13/20 8:50pm
If you felt panic rather than inconvenience after getting the University’s sparse response to the virus or identify with one of the above categories, as I did, I have good news for you.
03/04/20 8:52pm
Amid this uncertainty, any travel, domestic or international could heighten your risk of exposure.
03/04/20 11:13am
Following recovery from my own battle with an eating disorder, I feel a personal duty to help others suffering from this illness in any way possible.
03/02/20 2:04am
Whether or not you believe Fresh Grocer was rightfully closed, we must use its closure as a way to discuss how we can foster better community engagement once we step off of Locust Walk.