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10/01/18 12:42am
Before introducing the term 'highly–aided,' SFS identified these students as 'high–need.” Many didn't know, however, whether they qualified, in part because SFS did not publicly disclose the specific qualifications for a high–need student. 
09/30/18 9:59pm
Nursing students must spend 12-16 hours per week over the course of five semesters working at clinical sites scattered throughout the Philadelphia area.
09/30/18 6:31pm
Fulphil is specifically targeting the Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney’s goals and how to best achieve them by 2035 through social entrepreneurship.   
09/29/18 3:20pm
The program is also being implemented by universities in a total of five states. In Pennsylvania, Penn is joined by two other schools: West Chester University and Duquesne University.
09/27/18 5:49pm
Philadelphia was ranked the worst city in America for loud adult voices, parking issues, and ugly landscaping. 
09/26/18 3:38pm
In April, students and members of the department were emailed and given the option to submit their pronouns to be publicly shared on the website. 
09/25/18 12:07am
Penn's Medical Emergency Response Team initially asked to be equipped with the medication about a year ago. 
09/24/18 4:34pm
The rankings, which were based on over fifty specific factors, placed Newark, NJ, Baltimore and New York City in the top three spots.
09/20/18 8:25pm
Out of the ten most populous cities in America, Philadelphia had the highest poverty rate and was named the poorest large city.
09/20/18 3:44pm
The new store was announced as part of an expansion throughout Philadelphia — five other Wawa locations are expected to open within city bounds by the end of the year. 
09/19/18 1:57am
For six out of the eight Ivy League schools, New York City is the most popular destination after graduation, this report says. Penn is one of the two exceptions. 
09/18/18 10:23pm
Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver and Super Bowl LII champion Nelson Agholor will be speaking at Huntsman Hall on Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m., in an event titled "Becoming a Champion."
09/18/18 4:49pm
Krasner is also visiting several top law schools at Harvard, Yale, New York University, and Columbia to recruit new lawyers for the District Attorney's office.
09/17/18 11:05pm
The Free Library of Philadelphia on 40th and Walnut is one of nine locations where students in violation of Penn's Code of Student Conduct are sent to fulfill community service sanctions.
09/15/18 1:06pm
For many students who planned on transferring or pursuing dual degrees, this policy shift, which was never formally announced, has made it nearly impossible.
09/13/18 2:28pm
A new study found that Penn graduates had an average starting salary of $68,100 in 2018.
09/12/18 9:00pm
According to the city’s property list, the market value for 3800-02 Chestnut has increased in the last six years by nearly 375 percent.
09/12/18 6:50pm
The store, which opened on Penn's campus on Aug. 3, is set to close in mid-December. Similar pop-ups have been opened at Harvard University and Stanford University. 
09/10/18 9:02pm
The hot water was restored on Friday using an emergency boiler that management rented. 
09/09/18 6:18pm
Both Terri Lipman and Vivian Gadsden have worked extensively in child welfare and have been involved in Penn Futures for several years.