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12/05/16 3:05am
"Republicans came home to Donald Trump at exactly the right moment," Penn professor Matthew Levundusky said.
12/01/16 11:29pm
The day after President Amy Gutmann declared Penn a “sanctuary” for undocumented students, Penn for Immigrant Rights held a walk-out initially intended to urge Gutmann to guarantee such protections.
12/01/16 3:31am
Father James Martin graduated from Wharton in 1982 and out of college started working in corporate finance for General Electric.
11/30/16 11:36pm
Canellos, who holds a degree in American history from Penn, served as the executive editor of the Daily Pennsylvanian. 
11/30/16 9:46pm
The veterans that gathered on Sunday did so as a "show of solidarity and respect" for the flag and other military veterans.
11/30/16 2:51pm
Behind on the latest political news after Thanksgiving break? The DP has you covered.
11/30/16 12:47pm
The email comes amid heightened anxiety at Penn and other campuses over potential curbing of the rights of undocumented students by Donald Trump's administration. 
11/30/16 1:21am
There’s a new website to help conservatives navigate the ostensibly biased world of higher education.
11/30/16 1:21am
Faculty members are unsure of what Donald Trump's administration will mean for higher education, despite the recent announcement of his nomination of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary on Nov. 23. 
11/30/16 12:43am
Penn President Amy Gutmann has expressed her commitment to the protection of undocumented immigrant students, but she has yet to put forth any specific policy proposals.
11/29/16 1:29am
1968 Wharton graduate and President-elect Donald Trump's surprise victory sparked disappointment and conflict on Penn's campus — but other nearby college campuses didn't necessarily have the same reaction.
11/29/16 1:27am
In light of the sweeping Republican victory in both the White House and Congress, The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down last week with writers at the conservative student news publication, The Statesman, in order to talk politics.
11/28/16 3:03pm
Pennsylvania is the only state where candidates cannot initiate a direct recount request themselves. They have a few options available to them, including the courts.
11/23/16 3:13pm
Thanksgiving is always a time where charged political conversation can send divisions down sides of the table.
11/23/16 2:48pm
Alan Hughes, Professor of Practice at PennDesign and director of the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, recently weighed in about what the election of Donald Trump might mean.
11/22/16 3:30am
Organizations like Fossil Free Penn view their role in Trump's America as a part of broader private sector and grassroots efforts to combat climate change without the support of the federal government.
11/22/16 3:28am
In early November, Mayor Jim Kenney reiterated that Philadelphia remains a “sanctuary city” despite the intimidations from President-elect Donald Trump.
11/21/16 4:21pm
Penn President Amy Gutmann, who has repeatedly refused to comment on Trump throughout the campaign, did not sign the letter. 
11/21/16 3:26pm
The strike, affecting over 5,000 workers and more than 400,000 riders, lasted from Nov. 1-7. 
11/21/16 2:30am
“At every dip in American history, we have always found our way out,” he said.