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10/15/17 6:46pm
This announcement comes after several recent changes in the University administration.
10/11/17 10:31pm
Initiatives include installing a motion sensor operated air conditioning system and changing paper towels with microfiber cloth for routine cleaning. 
10/11/17 6:54pm
Just Salad, a New York-based eatery that sells salads, wraps, smoothies and more, plans to open campus location at 3728 Spruce Street, replacing Saladworks.
10/11/17 5:49pm
“The expectation is that undergrads generally do not stay around in the summertime,” Faculty Director of College Houses and Academic Services Dennis DeTurck said. 
10/09/17 10:27pm
The class, "Topics in Sexuality and Gender Law," is taught by Suzanne Goldberg, who is responsible for addressing sexual assault on campus.
10/09/17 1:14pm
"It’s been known for some time that gun violence, like many other forms of crime and other social problems, can be clustered within certain neighborhoods."
10/08/17 9:28pm
While it's common for a university of Penn's size to employ a private police force, Penn has more than triple the number of sworn officers than its closest neighboring institution in Philadelphia. 
10/08/17 7:35pm
Gutmann said the Task Force’s “overarching” goal had been to keep students safe from all types of harm, from sexual assault to “falling behind in their studies.” 
10/03/17 1:19pm
“Whenever perfection is driving you, shame is riding shotgun,” said Brene Brown, a professor at  the University of Houston who has spent the past 16 years studying vulnerability. 
10/02/17 10:19pm
The fellowships are part of Penn's growing efforts to engage its Philadelphia neighbors and are funded by a $2 million endowment from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
10/01/17 8:19pm
Of the 24 Event Observers, about one-third are Penn graduate and professional students; another third are staff members, and the final third are individuals affiliated with Penn.
10/01/17 8:10pm
A student said Penn Police have disrupted various events at off-campus locations, including  an "ice-cream social" where there was no alcohol. 
09/28/17 8:04pm
FFP members stood silently along the wall across from Penn President Amy Gutmann, armed with computer print-outs that read slogans like “Stop Funding Climate Change." 
09/28/17 6:26pm
While peer institutions like Harvard have taken steps to ban Greek institutions altogether, Penn administrators say the Task Force has no such intention. 
09/27/17 9:55pm
College senior Kate Jeon's installation chronicles the names of the 14 Penn students who have died by suicide since 2013.
09/27/17 8:54pm
“The guy that screws in the light bulb for the President of the University makes more than us, and we protect the whole university," said the Penn Police Association President.
09/27/17 1:55pm
The suit alleges that the University exposed former Penn researcher Jeffrey Ware to high levels of radiation, causing him to develop brain cancer. Ware died from the cancer in 2011. 
09/26/17 8:40pm
“I think the ask is pretty simple – for the University to make a legal fund and also to tell the students publicly that we stand behind you." 
09/26/17 12:10am
 “In many respects, Arts and Sciences sits at the core of the University,” School of Arts and Sciences Dean Steven Fluharty said.  
09/25/17 5:44pm
Paul Miller's legacy as Trustees Chair and the driving force behind a $1 billion capital campaign for Penn was memorialized recently in a Penn Almanac feature.