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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

02/19/14 8:01pm

'Fostering' knowledge about child welfare

The Child Well-Being and Welfare specialization at SP2, which will enroll its first class this fall, will train students in a yearlong program to work with children in foster care.
02/18/14 7:06pm

Penn Wharton China Center to be a research and career hub

The Center's permanent location will open in July 2015
02/17/14 6:52pm

Senior named Gates Cambridge Scholar

The scholarship will cover the cost of the tuition for her master’s degree and provide her with additional money for living expenses.
02/09/14 4:07pm
The Student Committee on Undergraduate Education elected Luis Siegmund as its new chair. He discussed the body’s plans to connect Penn students.
02/09/14 1:33pm
Structured, Active, In-Class, Learning aims to bring more student discussion and participation to the current class structure by making lectures “active” instead of “passive”.
02/04/14 5:50pm
According to Stevenson, students whose families talk to them about race tend to do better when faced with rejection because of their racial background.
02/03/14 8:50pm

Positive academic environment reduces use of narcotics, researchers say

The DP sat down with researcher Dan Romero, of the Annenberg School of Communications to discuss his results on the relationship between the academic environment and the use of narcotics such as tobacco and marijuana.
02/03/14 5:30pm

UA discusses possible new pre-orientation program

During this week’s meeting, the UA delved on the prospect of a new research-oriented pre-orientation program: also discussed was the creation of a new mental health forum and the new “Got Consent?” campaign.
02/02/14 7:24pm

GSE opens Center for Minority Serving Institutions

Recently opened Center for Minority Serving Institutions is the first of its kind.
01/27/14 8:25pm
Dean of the Office of Admissions attributes an increase of 25 percent in the potential art majors to Penn’s new “Arts and Culture Initiative” program.
01/22/14 8:12pm
Penn’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program released its annual think tank rankings on Wednesday.
01/22/14 5:27pm

Penn senior wins Churchill research scholarship

Penn senior, Sarah Foster, plans to finish her triple major at Penn and continue her scholarly pursuits on the Churchill Scholarship.
01/16/14 1:50pm

Penn researchers propose faster computer

Put down your smart phone. The next big thing in computer science is analog computing.
12/18/13 4:51pm

Former Wharton vice dean to leave Penn

Georgette Phillips will become the dean of Lehigh University’s business school effective July 1.
12/09/13 6:44pm

Students advance petition for dance credit

Several professors and the petition’s leader said that the plan to create these types of classes needs to be made more concrete before they can be successfully implemented in the curriculum.
12/09/13 5:32pm
The gift of more than 1,300 books came from Shirley and Marilyn Luber, wife and daughter of the late 1940 Wharton graduate and renowned Philadelphia art collector Gilbert Luber.
12/09/13 4:48pm

Penn study finds too many images hurt purchase intent

A recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research shows that while images of products appeal to online shoppers, customers are likely to decide against a purchase if they are overwhelmed by too many images.
12/08/13 5:48pm

Research suggests memories are linked to locations

Penn professor Michael Kahana’s research found a link between episodic memory, “what happened when,” with spatial memory, or “what happened where.”
12/02/13 8:26pm
The Fellows program brings three distinguished writers, or “fellows,” to Penn’s campus every spring. The program includes a class, known as the Fellows seminar, and a public reading.
12/02/13 6:13pm
The research focuses on two angles: the factors that affect a student’s decision to participate in recruitment, and its effects on the student’s perceived social support.