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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

04/23/14 7:22pm

Tell doctors medical stories, and they'll remember more details

Professors Zachary Meisel and Jeanmarie Perrone are studying how doctors adopt medical guidelines, and how their adoption of the guidelines affects prescribing pain medications, such as oxycontin and percocet.
04/22/14 10:49pm
Four mechanical engineering students are making biking easier and safer.
04/22/14 6:03pm

College of Liberal and Professional Studies to offer masters in Chemical Sciences

Applications for the Fall semester are open until June 1st
04/17/14 10:25pm
Andrew Porter, the outgoing dean of the Graduate School of Education, will leave behind a legacy of increased emphasis on research and innovation.
04/16/14 6:41pm

Final preparations for the Blackboard-Canvas shift

The University of Pennsylvania Libraries system is taking the final steps to prepare for Penn's change from Blackboard to Canvas, which will become permanent on May 30.
04/16/14 5:28pm

Fro-yo gets fruitier — and more efficient

Five Engineering seniors are re-imagining frozen desserts.
04/13/14 9:46pm

Perelman professor Jennifer Ruger elected to the Council on Foreign Relations

Ruger specializes in global health governance.
04/13/14 4:38pm

Latin American and Latino Studies celebrates anniversary

The program will welcome a new director in 2015
04/10/14 9:01pm

Bringing imaginary art to reality

From March 21 to May 1, Slought's Patarchitecure exhibit — which includes designs by eight PennDesign students — will be open to the public.
04/09/14 9:03pm
The kind of uncertainty about the true nature of the Vagelos programs may be part of another common stereotype — that students often start but seldom finish the programs.
04/07/14 6:03pm

Engineering seniors attempt to normalize infant blood pressure values

Seniors Deepthi Shashidhar and Mingze Lin designed a program that can generate graphs using data collected from infants under anesthesia to determine if an infant’s blood pressure is too high or low, a feat never before accomplished, the seniors say.
04/03/14 7:07pm

Faculty have mixed opinions about Canvas switch

As the University prepares to permanently switch to Canvas software on May 30, many faculty members are feeling mixed emotions about the end of Penn’s Blackboard usage.
04/02/14 10:13pm

Penn Libraries soon to open online collections with grants

Penn Libraries announced Wednesday that it has received two grants totalling $530,000 from the NEH to work on systems to index and digitize manuscripts in the library’s collections.
04/02/14 7:38pm

GSE student wins New York principal of the year

Tony Sinanis, a student in a three-year program that allows people with full-time jobs as educational leaders to attend GSE classes, was recently named New York State Elementary Principal of the Year.
04/02/14 6:23pm

Students compete to improve millennial retention in Philadelphia

Ten Penn students are competing in the inaugural year of the Philadelphia Public Policy Case Competition.
04/02/14 1:35pm

Natural Science's evolving hiring practices

The Natural Sciences division is participating in an Evolution Cluster hire.
03/23/14 3:20pm

Study: Sleep loss could lead to brain damage

A study conducted by Penn psychology professor Sigrid Veasey over the past year shows continuous sleep loss could result in brain damage.
03/20/14 9:23pm

Legal studies prof discusses corporations as persons

Last night, Guardsmark professor in the Department of Legal Studies and Business Ethics Eric W. Orts tackled this issue at an event by the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal. In his presentation entitled “The Future of Corporate Personhood in American Law,” Orts examined theories of the firm, its legal foundations and Supreme Court cases involving Citizens United and Hobby Lobby.
03/17/14 10:13pm

Researchers to study astronaut twins' physiology

Penn researchers will work with NASA to examine the biological and cognitive differences in twins while one is on Earth and one launches into space.
02/23/14 7:26pm

Study: poverty risk factors affect school performance

New research finds that having enrolled students with risk factors in schools affects the entire student body.