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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

09/13/16 2:25am
According to Penn President Amy Gutmann, the grant will help Wharton take existing MBA initiatives and adapt them for other programs, such as opportunities for undergraduate students.
09/11/16 11:13pm
If you are looking for a new minor to add to your diploma, you might be excited to learn that Penn has added four new minors to its list of academic offerings.
09/07/16 11:16pm
Some students at Penn choose to major in other disciplines while still pursuing pre-med as an option. Although less common, these paths do not preclude admission to medical school as long as students fill the requirements outside of their major. In fact, on Penn’s Career Services website, it says, “medical schools do not require or even prefer a particular major.”
09/07/16 1:25am
At Penn, many students fail to budget time for one of the most important things in life — sleep. 
09/07/16 1:24am
Wharton students should know that there’s no such thing as a free lunch — except when the school pays for it.
09/03/16 4:01pm
The class was first taught by professor Kenneth Goldsmith in the spring of 2015. 
09/01/16 12:17am
On Aug. 23, the National Labor Relations Board, in a case involving graduate students at Columbia University, ruled that graduate students have the right as employees to unionize
08/31/16 12:53am
The center, which is located across from 1920 Commons, will host speakers about foreign policy and international relations. 
08/31/16 12:50am
33,000 students are enrolled across 161 countries.
08/30/16 12:43am
A letter addressed to the incoming Class of 2020 informed new students that the institution does not promote “trigger warnings" and will not cancel select speakers on the basis of popular opinion. 
08/29/16 11:44pm
The 2016 presidential election is dominating the news cycle, and for some students, it’s also going to dominate their classes.
08/23/16 9:44pm
Along with stories of personal loss, including Sandberg’s, the book will also include research conducted by Grant.
08/23/16 9:09pm
With hundreds and hundreds of courses across dozens of departments, choosing classes can be a challenge, and switching them once the year has started can be even harder.
07/28/16 12:31am
Forbes' ninth annual list of the best colleges in the United States included a total of 660 public and private universities, liberal arts colleges and service academies. The top three spots went to Stanford, Williams and Princeton, respectively. 
07/28/16 12:25am
On July 25th, the College Promise Campaign and Innovative Educators hosted a discussion focusing on free community college. The event started with a screening of No Greater Odds, a film about students’ experiences at the College of Southern Nevada.
07/28/16 12:22am
Communication Professor David Eisenhower is teaching a class in the fall called Conventions, Campaigns and Debates, and the pre-requisite for the class is that students must attend either the Republican National Convention or the DNC. 
07/20/16 11:37pm
Virtually every large employer now uses automated applicant tracking software to filter through the mountains of resumes.
07/20/16 11:35pm
Clinical Psychologist at Penn’s Graduate School of Education Howard Stevenson argues that parents need to have the difficult conversations with their children about race and social justice.
07/18/16 7:06pm
Members of the military launched a coup attempt against the Turkish President Recep Tayyip on Friday, while rising College junior Leo Page-Blau was in his host family’s house, 20 minutes outside Ankara. 
07/14/16 10:58pm
Doctoral student in Africana Studies and Music, Courtney Brown, died at his home in Michigan last weekend after battling cancer.