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(03/27/11 2:13pm)

Free Chocolate in Houston--The lovely people at the Penn Gastronomy Club are at it again. Today they bring you Penn's Chocolate Festival, featuring some of Philadelphia's best chocolatiers. The event's going on RIGHT NOW in the Hall of Flags until 3PM. So now's probably a good day to get over that chocolate allergy.

(03/15/11 12:25pm)

Bachelor Beat—We tipped you off two weeks ago, but the announcement was made official last night on the season finale of The Bachelor. The next Bachelorette is (ex-?) Penn Dental student and Pottruck instructor Ashley Hebert. The show airs May 23rd on ABC, and you'd best be watching.

It's Not Over 'Til the Penn Lady Wins

(02/28/11 3:00pm)

We know the frequency of Ashley Hebert posts on this site is about to rival the amount of times Facebook groups spam you with messages ("Come to our event!"—"Event starts in 4.82 minutes!"—"Event just started! I'm on Facebook! You should be here!"—"OMG! Event was so awesome! Thanks for clicking 'Maybe Attending'!"), but you'd best get used to seeing lots more of the Penn Dental celeb.