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(05/27/11 8:43pm)

Ashley Hebert Is Playing Hide-And-Go-Seek With Us— Homegirl was spotted again today, this time in Saxby's of all places! Unfortunately, when we inquired about her visit, the barista confessed he'd never heard of the Bachelorette. Cue any joke about Saxby's lacking culture. If anyone sees her, send a picture already!

(05/24/11 7:33pm)

Is The Bachelorette On Campus? -- One tipster has reported seeing Ashley Hebert and two dudes on campus today, which would make sense given her status as a Dental School alum. Past that, though, we know nothing. Have you seen anything? Help us out!

In Which We Think About Our Readers

(05/20/11 7:01pm)

Yo, readers. Listen up. We're here on the internet for the summer and we're not going anywhere, but we know you guys are off doing all sorts of things. What sorts of things, exactly, is what we'd like to know so we can post the stuff that you're gonna find worthwhile. After all, why would we post cool Philly summer events if no one's gonna be there? Why would we find cool stuff to distract you at your internship if you're doing the most meaningful work of your life? We're tryna make this work for you. So give us a heads-up: what's going on for summer 2011?

(05/19/11 12:26am)

Penn Professor Richard Beeman On The Daily Show Tonight -- The history prof was on back in August 2009, so either the Daily Show had someone cancel or this guy is really interesting. Tune in at 11 p.m. EST on Comedy Central or just wait for us to post a video when clips go online.

Guess There's Still Huntsman

(05/16/11 5:05pm)

Well, that was fun. Illustrious alum Donald Trump has decided that he's not running for president anymore. According to the ABC News report, the 2012 election will have to go on sans his lunacy: "After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the presidency," Trump said in a statement. " potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election... however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector." After his great speech today, we're thinking Denzel might as well give it a shot.

Things We Could Buy With Rajaratnam's Bail

(05/12/11 10:16pm)

In case you're too deep in Walnut Walk to read the news, our infamous alum, Raj Rajaratnam, has been found guilty on all counts in his high-profile insider trading trial. He faces up to 25 years in prison, but even before that he's got to cough up $100 million for bail. Here's some better things he could have done with that money: Donated enough to name 44% of the School of Medicine Stopped SAC's financial problems... 107 times over Bought every single person in Philadelphia a meal during Restaurant Week (including drinks and tip) Sent 1,743 kids to Penn, all expenses paid Covered 158% of the losses he was trying to avoid by insider trading in the first place In conclusion: don't insider trade.