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We Test Drive

(11/20/08 9:54pm)

When we opened the DP yesterday and read about the opportunity to get paid for note-taking, we were thrilled. After all, once we're done with a final, we dump all of the semester's information out of our brains to make room for the next set of classes. Wouldn't it be nice if we were rewarded long after our blue-books were handed in (you can say what you want about learning being its own reward; we'd rather have cold, hard cash)? Besides, since my degree will likely only prepare me for a career as a secretary, this would be great to list as relevant work experience.

Exploring the Blogosphere: Food Porn

(11/17/08 5:00pm)

As a self-appointed foodie, I've found that one of the most painful parts of living in a dorm is the lackluster kitchen (or, in many cases, the lack of any kitchen at all). And even for those us who have the ideal kitchen, we often don't have money to buy nice pots or pans, fun kitchen tools or quality ingredients. So instead, we turn to ramen (bad), Easy Mac (worse), and Penn Dining (think Tales from the Crypt).

...What The Heaping Pile of Trash?

(11/10/08 11:45pm)

Upon leaving Hill this morning, my nose met with an unfamiliar and unwelcome stench. Why, I wondered, did our pristine campus smell like garbage? Were the freshmen from New Jersey that homesick that they had to defile Locust Walk with a trash mountain this morning? Was this comeuppance from the disgruntled former employees of the 40th Street McDonald's? Either way, as I approached the piles of trash outside Van Pelt, all I knew was that I almost preferred that funky SEPTA smell to whatever it was that was hitting my nose.

How Much Is That Doggie On The Internet?

(11/10/08 12:59am)

The final push at the end of the semester is a stressful time. The due date for the paper you've been putting off is drawing closer and your last midterms are finally in sight. Even if you don't have intense coursework, the thought of Thanksgiving with your family, which means the endless "What are you majoring in? Really? Wow. And what do you plan to do with a degree in (insert humanities discipline here)?", is enough to give you migraines.

Over It: The Longchamp Tote

(10/31/08 4:10pm)

Most people view their clothes as an extension of themselves. That's why there are so many meltdowns on shows like How Do I Look? and our personal favorite, What Not To Wear? That's why we never said anything when so many of our friends went through that "punk" phase in middle school (you know, the one where they wore all those studded belts and jelly sex bracelets?); it was merely a manifestation of their desire to rebel against their parents by being extreme. What you put on in the morning provides an opportunity to make a unique statement about who you are (whether it be middle-aged vixen or conservative, folksy politician). And if the clothes make the initial statement, it's accessories that add a total flare.

Do You Like Scary Movies?

(10/30/08 6:00pm)

Halloween is coming fast, and as we scrounge for costume ideas, our eyes wander to the oft-mocked genre of horror films. Sure, when you're younger, you want to be the scariest monster possible. That's why there are often vampires, zombies, and mummies in every group of trick-or-treaters. Youngsters love to stay up late and watch scary movies, much to the consternation of parents who must then frequently rush to their children's bedsides and check for monsters under the bed.

Study Skills: Mnemonic Devices A La Gossip Girl

(10/26/08 11:00pm)

Lumping hundreds of years of a region or country's history into a semester is probably the single greatest failure of modern educational institutions. It's hard enough to remember everyone's name in one recitation, let alone the date of every Ottoman Sultan or Spanish king (especially seven Fernandos and five Felipes later). Add to this the daunting of important years and the multitude of seemingly-pointless JSTOR articles to be read, and even the most minor History exam suddenly becomes an immeasurable burden.