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OPennBook Volume III

(05/25/11 1:01pm)

When Al Gore invented the internet, there's no question he intended for us to tap into its vast resources for the good of society. While we've answered this call by watching videos of cats on treadmills during lecture and citing Wikipedia in scientific papers, we're also into more productive pursuits, like using OpenBook to make fun of people we don't know. So, without further ado, let's have at it!

NSO 2011: New (Sexual) Orientation

(04/22/11 11:04pm)

Prefrosh, don’t be alarmed. Penn ‘15’s NSO will not witness any drastic changes (that we know of). We’re talking about “Orientation,” the product of Paul Messaris’ COMM362: Visual Communication Lab.  Over the course of this semester, students in the class wrote, acted in, filmed, and edited this short project about an ancient rock that changes people’s sexual orientations. Intrigued (or confused) yet?