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New Penn Museum Exhibit Makes Headlines

(08/22/11 5:01pm)

Not one to rest on its laurels, the Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has unveiled its newest newsworthy exhibit. Sunday's Wall Street Journal featured a piece on Excavating Ground Zero: Fragments from 9/11, which opened August 20 and runs through November 6. While we typically think of the museum as a crypt for mummies and such, the exhibit, which features 15 objects recovered from Ground Zero that have never displayed to the public, aligns with the archaeology museum's focus on "reconstruct[ing] lost moments in time through objects."

People Who Failed Out of Penn: Candice Bergen

(08/18/11 8:32pm)

Sometimes the path to great success is long and tedious and your parents' lessons on how to make it just don't jive with your lifestyle. Rather than suffering through four years of college, grad school, and a slew of jobs, consider your options! 1) Become the self-made (wo)man who never went to college but makes something amazing of him or herself. 2) Become the college drop-out who goes on to develop the richest company ever. 3) Flunk out of school and become a really rich and famous actor. Candice Bergen, best known for her role in the too long-running sitcom Murphy Brown and as that bitchy pageant director in Miss Congeniality, chose option three, and the failure that launched her illustrious career began right here at Penn!

Skipping Class Is About To Get Easier

(08/16/11 1:30pm)

Not that is was terribly difficult to begin with. Wharton junior Ankit Shah received a shoutout in GOOD magazine's 21 Inspiring Summer Experiences for his work on Alternote, an online platform that will allow students to take and share notes in real time. The goal is to create better students by making learning a more engaging and social experience. Alternote is poised to eclipse Facebook chat, the current platform of choice for making lectures a more social experience.

Sansom West: The Real Condom Kingdom

(08/11/11 1:37pm)

A traumatized tipster sent us this photo of a tragically deflated balloon animal. Just kidding, it's a used condom. One of many that have been sprinkling the Chestnut Street sidewalk along Sansom West all summer. It seems somebody's been making the sidewalk his personal walk of fame (shame?) by tossing his tied-up goodies out the window. On one hand, dude, COME ON. On the other hand, maybe the "perfect little misanthropic island of alienation and depression" that is Sansom West will finally earn some street cred! No, people will probably just like it even less now.

Goodbye Strikes, Hello Bikes

(07/20/11 5:25pm)

Nobody really cared that Strikes closed, but since then we've been anxiously awaiting a worthwhile replacement. Hipsters, triathletes and eco-friendly citizens, you win! West Philly Local reports that Keswick Cycle, a full-service bike shop, will take up residence at the site of the former bowling alley and open the doors to its new 4,000 square foot space in August. It will sell bicycles and clothing, offer maintenance and even feature a studio to help "elite riders" get fitted for their bikes. Hopefully this provides the perfect alternative to schlepping to Firehouse Bicycles at 50th and Baltimore or shelling out a week's salary at Trophy Bikes.

People Who Went To Penn: Carl "The Friday Night Bank Robber" Gugasian

(07/11/11 2:18pm)

Penn has produced its fair share of prolific alumni: signers of the Declaration, a president, billionaire business magnates, and...the greatest bank robber in U.S. history?  Evidently, finance careers in New York aren't the only way Quakers become well-versed in wealth management. Carl Gugasian, who earned his masters in Systems Analysis from Penn in 1970s, robbed over 50 banks in 30 years, accumulating over $2 million and earning himself a 17-year prison sentence.

(07/10/11 3:28pm)

GiGi's and Big R Is The Best Food Truck In Philly -- Congrats to the owners of the Caribbean Soul Food truck stationed at 38th and Spruce for winning the Vendy Awards last night! Now we might have to actually start eating there.

Happy Hours Could Get Happier

(07/07/11 4:38pm)

Pennsylvania, you crazy when it comes to liquor laws, but you may finally be shaping up in the drankz department. Governor Tom Corbett signed legislation last week granting restaurants and bars more flexibility in scheduling their happy hours. Under the old law, drinking establishments were allowed up to two hours of happy per day for a maximum for 14 hours of happy per week. The 14-hour weekly cap still stands, but now your favorite afternoon sip spots will be allowed up to four hours of drink specials on a given day.