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Street Love Is Out Of This World

(02/05/09 3:50pm)

This Thursday's issue of 34th Street is feeling the love. Everything from personalized candy love (nothing says "xoxo" like the kind that melts in your mouth) to lost love (Michael Cera, we're not that into you anymore) to Senior love of awkwardly reuniting with that chick from NSO to a love of Heartless Bastards (okay, maybe they're not exactly feeling the love). Or maybe you aren't feeling that loved and you'd rather try some shopping therapy. You could just eat your feelings at 45th and Spruce, but if you try eating your heart out at Gia, the salad might even talk back to you.

JuicyCampus Dries Up

(02/04/09 10:45pm)

Remember this past Tuesday night when, in an almost-OMFG-worthy tragedy, Headmistress Queller threatened to shut down Gossip Girl? Let this be a lesson to us all: life imitates art. If you're one of the maybe ten people who still checks JuicyCampus, the wannabe go-to spot for all things rumor related at college, you'll be heartbroken to know it will be dead as of tomorrow. Matt Ivester, founder and CEO of the site, had this to say about the JuicyCampus legacy:

Harvard Occasionally Produces Things That Don't Suck

(02/04/09 4:03pm)

It's ironic that this didn't pop up under your Events or make your News Feed, but today is Facebook's fifth birthday! Gawker seems to think this is a sign of the apocalypse, but we have a feeling they're just jealous that there's another website out there that's even better at creepy, compulsive stalking than they are. Even though it's totally possible that Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea from four other kids at Harvard, we don't really care; UTB supports any excuse to party.

We Help You Get It For Free, Part II

(02/04/09 12:00pm)

If a gourmet meal at your off-campus place consists of Easy Mac washed down with a swig of Natty Lite, consider Swallow (the NoLibs eatery at 1030 N. American Street) to be the out-to-dinner alternative to microwaving up said delicacy yourself. Not only does Swallow offer a menu that consists solely of macaroni and cheese (no, seriously), but they have JUST implemented a "Free Beer with any order of Mac and Cheese" policy. FREE BEER PEOPLE! You're welcome; this was just too good a secret to keep to ourselves.

Beer Pong Champions Of Penn, This Could Be You!

(02/03/09 12:20am)

You might know David Plouffe from his almost daily cameos in your inbox, but back before he masterminded Obama's run for the White House, he was another drunken coed just like you and me! Turns out he was quite the avid beer pong player while matriculating at (but not graduating from) University of Delaware. Plouffe's skills were so notable they merited being featured in a piece in the UDel student newspaper. As it says in this article from Esquire:

Bye Bye Blago!

(01/29/09 11:46pm)

This just in: Governor Rod Blagojevich is a governor no more. Even his gorgeous hair couldn't save him from being the first governor in Illinois history to be impeached (and we're not exactly talking about a state with a stellar track record). The senators voted him out 59-0, citing his now infamous abuses of power - you might remember his attempt to sell Obama's U.S. Senate seat, or that time he "threatened to withhold money from a local children’s hospital, unless its executives contributed money to him." Not only is Rod getting kicked out today, he is forever barred from holding public office again. Well, that's what you get for skipping out on Monday's trial to rock the talk show circuit. Don't feel so bad, Blago - unemployment is so hot right now!

Whoa! More '90s Nostalgia!

(01/29/09 6:20pm)

One of the great tragedies of being born in the late '80s is that we were all too young to appreciate the glorious cultural flowering that was the 1990s. Oh, times were simpler then - Britney was still jailbait, Clarissa could explain it all, the Olsen twins weighed less than 80 pounds, and if life was ever moving too fast, Zack Morris could freeze the moment with a simple "Time Out!" In these troubled days, there's nothing like hiding out in your room with the DVDs of Seasons 1 and 2 of Blossom to make it all better. That's right; that epic television masterpiece is available on Amazon and Netflix. Having trouble remembering why you loved Joey so much? See below for a sweet reminder.

Street: It's A Religious Experience

(01/29/09 1:47pm)

We know you have lots of questions. Does love actually mean never having to say you're sorry? Which boy band of brothers is more kickass? Touche or not to Che? Can you get to the Caribbean without leaving the freezing streets of Philadelphia? What's really going on inside the Penn student's body? Is "Japas" the new JAP? Which floor of Pottruck is the ultimate spot to see and be seen?

Communities Get Serviced, Realize MLK Jr.'s Dream

(01/19/09 7:20am)

Usually Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is devoted to classic American pastimes. Free (like Lincoln always wanted us to be!) from work and school, we sleep in, slack off, and possibly summon up the energy to trek to the nearest mall in a selfless attempt to save the economy. But there's this new guy in the White House who thinks we should maybe do something more meaningful to recognize one of the great heroes of the Civil Rights Movement (WTF?) If you're interested in this outrageous idea, check out the Penn Commemorative Symposium on Social Change for a calendar packed with all kinds of service activities on campus. The more daring among you might want to brave the world beyond the Penn Bubble; has information about opportunities to help out within a five mile radius of Philly.

The Man Of The (Super) People

(01/15/09 9:29pm)

If you were planning on dropping out of Rush before Skit Round so you could spend your Saturday at 30th Street Station with Barack Obama, don't throw out your name tag just yet - the event is closed to the public. Only 250 "super-supporters" will actually be granted face time with the man himself; the see-and-be-seen stops will just be at Wilmington and Baltimore. In tangentially related news, those of you planning on sucking up to PennDems in order to score one of seven tickets to a "small meeting" with said President-Elect before the Whistle Stop Train leaves the station... are too late.

Beer-ack Obama, Coming Soon To A Bar Near You

(01/14/09 5:13am)

Not only will the Commander-in-Chief-elect begin his trek to the White House by pulling out of 30th Street Station on January 17, but he's also (indirectly) going to be a part of your drunken inauguration celebration! According to this article from The Washington Post, Brewery Ommegang was one of many breweries to get shot down by federal regulators at the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau when they attempted to title their latest presidential-themed beer "Obamagang." The beer has since been monikered "Inauguration Ale" and 600 kegs of it will be distributed among "select" bars in Philadelphia, along with Washington, New York, and other to-be-announced cities. No word yet if Blarney's or Smokes number among the chosen few.

The City: Already Better Than The Hills

(01/12/09 12:24am)

We like our reality television with as little reality as possible. MTV has heard our reality prayers and done the virtually impossible: created a show even less believable than its predecessor. Not convinced that a spin-off of the spin-off of that show that was the "real" Orange County could possibly be at all worth your time? (Oh, Kristin and Stephen, it feels like only yesterday that we cared at all about your non-lives!) Read on as we count the ways we love Whitney and her new, carefully edited and softly-lit adventures as she navigates the dangerous divide between uptown and downtown.

High School Musical 3: Reality Tally

(10/25/08 6:31pm)

This is not a review of High School Musical 3. You already know everything a review could possibly express: it is a plotless, perky, squeaky-clean and sparkly gotta-sing-gotta-dance Disney lovefest of friendship, basketball, pomp and circumstance. Attempting to provide some kind of cinematic breakdown of HSM3 would be the equivalent of psychoanalyzing a Cabbage Patch Doll. But there are probably still a lot of you out there who kind of want to see it. All you girls who think Zac Efron is hot in a barely-legal kind of way, and all you boys who Gawkered those naked pictures of the Hudge when she struck a pose for cyberspace, you’re curious.