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Old Person Bloggers Tell Us We Suck At Tailgating

(10/12/10 2:43pm)

And today, in Reasons Old People Shouldn't Write Articles About College: let's talk about this Philly mag blog post entitled "Can Penn Students Have Fun?" In an utterly useless and out-of-touch attack on Penn, Sandy Hingston rants on and on about Penn students' low attendance at football games and tailgates. Ohhh, Sandy, allow us to explain.

Coup De Taco Is So Over Penn

(10/01/10 2:20pm)

The boys are not back in town. Along with its glitzy Entourage makeover, it appears the Coup De Taco gang are pulling a Vinny Chase and shooting for the big time. The truck's owners are blogging that they will be taking the truck downtown a few days a week, beginning tomorrow. Via the CdT blog: We will still remain at 40th and Locust for three or four days a week, ensuring that our home base customers know they can readily find us there.  However, starting this week we will head to the famous and wonderful Love Park in Center City at 15th and JFK from 11am – 2pm one day a week (this week it’s Friday but it will usually be on Thursdays).  We’re excited to give Center City a shot and to see if we can quickly generate a following there.  We’re not sure if this will alienate our customers who walk up to our location on Friday not having read this blog or our Tweets to follow. I mean, yeah. We get it - trucks can drive places. But actually, we were kind of thinking of getting a taco today and now we can't and we don't feel good about it. If it's only going to be there sometimes for a quick lunch on the way to class, then yes, sometimes it will alienate customers.

Sansom BBQ Spot Will Open October 8

(09/27/10 9:57pm)

Baby back ribs are coming to a street near you! Over the summer, we told you about Baby Blues BBQ, the barbecue joint that's set to open in the old Bubble House location at 3404 Sansom. Meal Ticket reports today that Baby Blues will open October 8. This happens to be the start to Fall Break, but a less busy weekend should allow some time to smooth out service and so on. According to Meal Ticket: The University City space itself has been overhauled to feature a centralized island kitchen, with counter seating, with a 1,000-pound meat smoker being the focal point. The restaurant, which can accommodate around 125, carries an industrial smokehouse feel, with original exposed brick and steel beams. Yum.

Once Again, LGBT Life At Penn Is Pretty Good

(09/27/10 8:48pm)

Extra, extra: it's good to be gay at Penn. This shouldn't be news to many of you, given our highly official status as the number one LGBT-friendly campus, according to Newsweek. But Newsweek's not the only one paying attention -- this month's issue of Details features a former 34th Street editor's profile of the LGBT outreach shindigs that go down during Penn Previews.

Bloomers Alum Makes Her SNL Debut

(09/27/10 4:12pm)

As we told you this Summer, Vanessa Bayer '04, is joining Saturday Night Live for its 36th season. Bayer, who was in Bloomers, Penn's all-female comedy troupe, made her SNL debut this weekend, in a skit called "Ladies Who Lunch." Though she doesn't have a major role in the episode, appearing alongside Amy Poehler and Kristen Wiig is no small feat. Check out the video above...Bayer's the one in pink.

Sugar Philly Will Now Offer La Colombe Coffee

(09/16/10 3:15pm)

Things have come a long way for Penn coffee lovers in the last few years, with Hub Bub, Mojo, and Capogiro eclipsing the old Wawa fix. Dessert truck Sugar Philly is cashing in on the coffee beans too: they'll be offering the superb La Colombe brand of coffee starting today from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. They'll only have hot coffee today, but they say iced is coming shortly.